REMEMBER! THESE ARE MAC HFS FORMAT CDs! THEY WILL _NOT_ BE READABLE IN STANDARD WINDOWS OR LINUX PCs WITHOUT SPECIAL SOFTWARE AND/OR DRIVERS! THESE DISCS WERE TARGETED FOR A 3DO DEVELOPMENT PLATFORM THAT CONSISTED OF A MOTOROLA 68040-BASED MACINTOSH WITH ~ MAC OS 7.X (USUALLY A QUADRA 800). If you want to READ what's on these discs, look up the (recommended) freeware HFVExplorer (, or download trial versions of the commercial MacDrive (, commercial MacOpener ( or some such app on the Internet using your favorite search engine. If you want to RUN the content on these discs, you can use a REAL mac or use one of the many Mac emulators out there, such as the freeware Basilisk II (, or the commercial Executor ( or Fusion ( Please, do not email me asking for help with this stuff. I've had to figure it out on my own; you should be able to also. If you really want to help, join the FreeDO emulator project ( Coders are sorely needed in that project. Following are a list of 3DO developer stand-alone releases. pf12tk13 - Portfolio 1.2 and Toolkit 1.3 Developer's Tools and Software. This is the earliest release I have. I have some updates that seem to increment this, but they will be posted later. tk14 - Toolkit 1.4. A lot of games (at least the ones I own) look like they were made by this version. tk15 - Toolkit 1.5. The latest (last?) version of 3DO toolkit I have. pf25 - Portfolio 2.5. Also the latest I have. Electronic docs are available on the CDs (especially on the Toolkit 1.5 and Portfolio 2.5), but mostly you're gonna have to figure it out by yourself. I rescued these from obscurity for all y'all. We all know our beloved platforms' creators could give a crap about the system we (most of us, at least) paid irrationally laaaaaarge sums of money for, then left us all in the dust with wads of cash in their pockets. But they don't. That said, I disclaim any and all responsibility for what you do, or fail to do, or think you might do with or to this stuff. "3DO" is still a registered trademark of the 3DO Corporation, Redwood City, CA. Bastards they may be for cutting us out of their will, but they are certainly no fools. Please treat the hallowed syllables with honor. I signed no NDA for this. It was released to me by aliens. Your mileage may vary. My God, its full of stars. aw69