This is part 1 of 4 of the 3DO Cheat List v4.0, compiled by Alzarius ( If "[END Part 1]" is not at the end of this file, parts are missing, go to for a new copy. Part 1: 1-H Part 2: I-O Part 3: P-Sp Part 4: St-Z Editor: Alzarius ( 2-27-99 v4.0 ----------------------------------------- _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/_/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ C H E A T _/_/_/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ L I S T _/_/_/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/_/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/ All new and modified games have been marked with a #. The current version of this cheat list can be found at 3DO Today. For more information on Gex, Super Street Fighter II, Samurai Shodown, Primal Rage, Wing Commander III, Need for Speed, and Way of the Warrior please seek out the FAQs. They contain a lot more information (Gex level tips, WC3 plot summarizations, and character backgrounds for the fighting games to name just a few) You can search for [Japanese import] for the rare import info. These are marked with a '*' below. 96 games featured! 285+ cheats! This is a compilation of 3DO cheats, codes, walkthroughs, move lists, etc. As many of the above items as could be found have been packed into this list. This is basically a one stop cheat shop. Full faqs have not been included as they would have taken up much too much space. Special thanks go to Damian Gick for designing and maintaining this list up to version 3. =[Start Part 1]================================================================ TABLE OF CONTENTS: PART 1 of 4 (1-H) ------------------------------------ [20C] 20th Century Almanac Speed selecting [3DA] 3D Atlas Hidden zoom [ATD] Alone in the Dark Walkthru [AD2] Alone in the Dark 2 Walkthru [BLZ] Ballz Moves, morphs, shrink balls, black and white balls, cameraman, lethal hit, unlock bosses, infinite time, swap power bars, fatalities, boss moves, Guggler trick, big balls, transluscent balls [BAT] Battlesport 4 opponant codes, 3 tank codes, tournament arena, many hidden messages [BFC] Bladeforce Level editor [B13] Braindead 13 Walkthru [BRS] Burning Soldier Seven options including 4-player mode. [CAP] Captain Quazar Disappearing walls, transporter codes [CAS]#Casper File manager bug, save game bug [COR] Corpse Killer Datura bullet trick [CPU] CPU Bach Debug mode [CNB] Crash 'n Burn Market list, $2000 trick, infinite continues, Complete Deathdrone message [CDL] Cyberdillo Debug mode [CYB] Cyberia Walkthru [THD] The D Hints, walkthru [TDE] The Daedalus Encounter View all scenes, data patterns, orbs, developement team, walkthru [DKP] Deathkeep Unlimited spells, key code, all FMV code, time stop, secret doors, hint for jumping [DMN] Demolition Man Blood code, level select, music test, Virgin Studio levels, virtual sex [DRH] Doctor Hauzer * Controls/Translated documentation, walkthru [DOM] Doom Wall map, object map, god mode, all weapons, level access, bigger screen mode, save game bug [DRL] Dragon's Lair Infinite lives, walkthru [DLR] Dragon Lore Hints, fast movement, walkthru [FIF] FIFA Soccer Codes given after winning a tournament [FBK] Flashback Most of the passwords, walkthru [FNM] Flying Nightmares Invincibility [FOE] Foes of Ali Low blows, remove the crowd, speed up the game, toggle computer AI, picture of programming team, picture of Ivan Prebeg (Euro Middle-Heavyweight Champ 1969), Pad C extra codes [GEX] Gex Bonus games, Secret world, saving, speed-up, invincibility, electricity, super jump, debug mode, scaling Gex, fireballs, ice, 99 lives, extra levels, level select, Planet X level select, Planet X ending [GRD] Gridders Extra level, both level skip codes, pause cheat [GWR] Guardian War Debug mode [HLL] Hell Speed code, night vision code, silly code, debug, walkthru [HOR] The Horde Hints, codes, save game bug ............................................................................. KEY GUIDE Key presses are [usually] noted as follows: U = Up on D-pad D = Down on D-pad L = Left on D-pad R = Right on D-pad A = A button B = B button P = Play/Pause (P) button C = C button X = Stop (X) button Ls= Left Shift Rs= Right Shift Multiples of the same keypress will sometimes be represented with a multiplication symbol "x". Example: Ax9 = press the "A" button 9 times. ............................................................................. /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\ [20C] 20th Century Almanac \____________________/ Speed selecting When flipping pages to select a date, you can hold down --------------- the button and the dates will go much faster. The page pictures won't be updated, just the date will change until you release. /~~~~~~~~\ [3DA] 3D Atlas \________/ Hidden zoom In the Environment Globe, move to the California view at the ----------- highest zoom level with the Bay Area approximately at the center of the picture (there should be more ocean displayed than land). Zoom out and in 20 times by pressing (RS, LS)x20. After a while, the view will keep zooming in to the Bay Area. Landsat images have been composited into the global textures. The view will zoom all the way in to the city where 3D Atlas was created. Note the building and parking lot that is just about centered on the screen. After that, the title returns to the normal Environment view. /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\ [ATD] Alone in the Dark \_________________/ [Note: A few corrections have been added, and are marked with a '*' You may need to read the ending note a little bit ahead of time, from the way it looks, but I'm not exactly sure where. - Ed.] This represents all the actions needed to beat the game, in chronological order. Some of this may be done in a different order, so this is listed by area. ATTIC 1. PUSH the wardrobe closet in front of the window. 2. PUSH the chest on top of the trapdoor in the floor near the piano. 3. OPEN the chest to get the RIFLE. 4. OPEN the wardrobe closet to get the OLD INDIAN COVER. 5. Walk over to the table and get the OIL LAMP. STOREROOM 1. Take the BOW from the corner near the door. 2. SEARCH the shelves on the right side to get the OIL CAN. 3. USE the OIL CAN to refill the OIL LAMP. 4. Exit room. UPSTAIRS HALLWAY 1. Walk to the first door on the right and enter. 2. Do not walk down the hall as it will collapse and cause death. ROOM 1. SEARCH the rolltop desk in the corner to get the KEY TO THE CHEST. 2. USE the KEY to open the chest in the corner next to the door to get the OLD CAVELRY SABER. 3. Open the door and fight the Zombie that will walk in. 4. The OLD CAVALRY SABER will break after limited use. 5. Exit the room and open the door directly across the hall. DRESSING ROOM 1. Walk into the room, turn around and FIGHT or SHOOT the Zombie that will walk in the room from the hallway. 2. Exit the room through the door near the window. BEDROOM 1. Go to the nightstand on the left side of the bed(side opposite the window), and get the VASE. 2. FIGHT or SHOOT the monster that will jump into the room through the window. 3. THROW the VASE and get the KEY TO THE DRESSER hidden inside. 4. USE the KEY to open the dresser with the teddybear on top of it and get two SMALL MIRRORS. 5. Exit the room through the door near the bed. 6. Walk to and enter the door directly across the hall. BATHROOM 1. OPEN the cabinet to get the FIRST AID KIT. 2. OPEN the FIRST AID KIT to get the FLASK. 3. DRINK the FLASK to gain more health points. 4. THROW or DROP unecessary items: first aid kit, empty flask, chest's key, dresser's key, empty oil can. 5. Exit the room and open the door at the end of the hall. UPPER LOBBY 1. PUT one SMALL MIRROR on each small statue at both ends of the room. 2. Avoid any contact with the winged monsters by staying close to the wall. 3. Walk Downstairs. LOWER LOBBY 1. Do not touch the suit of armor. 2. When you get the VERY HEAVY STATUETTE", stand directly in front of the armor and THROW the STATUETTE to destroy the armor and get the SWORD. 3. The STATUETTE is in room #13. 4. Walk to the door on the right side of the stairs and enter. SITTING ROOM 1. Do not touch the ghost figure in the chair. 2. Get the GRAMOPHONE on the table. 3. SEARCH the cabinet to get the CARTRIDGES. 4. USE the CARTRIDGES to reload the RIFLE. 5. Get the MATCHBOX from the fireplace mantle. 6. Exit the room and go to the door straight ahead on the other side of the stairs. HALLWAY 1. Follow the hall around and enter the second door you come to. 2. The first door is directly across from the door you entered the hall through. BATHROOM 1. RUN into the room and get the JUG next to the cabinet. 2. Ignore the monster in the bathtub as it cannot be killed-it will hit you. 3. OPEN the cabinet and get the FIRST AID KIT. 4. OPEN the KIT and get the FLASK. 5. DRINK the FLASK to gain more health points. 6. Exit the room and continue down the hall to the next door. DARK BEDROOM 1. USE the MATCHBOX to light the OIL LAMP. 2. Get the VERY HEAVY STATUETTE from the table. 3. Exit the room and OPEN/SEARCH to put the lamp away. 4. Go back to the lower lobby and destroy the suit of armor as in room #9. 5. Leave the VERY HEAVY STATUETTE there. 6. Walk to either side of the stairs and enter the dark opening. FRONT LOBBY 1. DROP the GRAMOPHONE here until it is needed later. 2. Turn left and enter the right door of two in the corner next to the stairs. The left one will be locked. ENCLOSED PORCH 1. SEARCH the back side of the statue to get three ARROWS. 2. Leave the room quickly to avoid the falling spiders. They will not leave the room. 3. Walk to the door on the other side of the stairs next to a narrow hallway. KITCHEN 1. Enter the smaller dark brown door nearest the door just entered. 2. Get the KEY TO THE CELLAR hanging on the wall. 3. SEARCH the shelf to get the BOX OF BISCUITS. 4. EAT the BISCUITS to gain more health points. 5. DROP or THROW uneeded items: empty box, first aid kit, empty flask. 6. SEARCH the large cabinet near the table to get the KNIFE. 7. Enter a second smaller dark brown door next to a normal sized door. 8. After entering the small closet, quickly back out and USE the KNIFE to kill the zombie that enters as soon as you enter the closet. 9. Re-enter the closet and SEARCH the pile of coal in the corner to get a BOX OF SHOES. 10. OPEN the BOX and get the REVOLVER. 11. Get the OIL CAN in the other corner. 12. USE the OIL CAN to refill the LAMP. 13. USE the JUG next to the barrel of water to fill the jug. 14. DROP or THROW uneeded items: empty oil can, empty box, knife. 15. Exit closet into kitchen and get the POT OF SOUP from the fireplace. 16. Exit the kitchen through the normal door next to the closet. 17. Open the door across the small hall. DINING ROOM 1. Walk to the right side of the table and PUT the POT OF SOUP on the table. 2. Avoid the walking zombie and wait until it sits down. 3. Exit the room through the door next to the large cabinet. SMOKING ROOM 1. RUN to the other side of the table and stand next to the chair. 2. Get the LIGHTER from the table. 3. USE the WATER JUG to douse the smoking ashtray on the table. 4. You will take some damage from the smoke. 5. Open the double doors that are not locked and go in to the hall. 6. Walk back to the white stairs in the front lobby and climb them. 7. Go back to the hallway that led to the dark room where you got the STATUETTE. 8. Continue down the hall to the end and open the door. HALLWAY WITH PAINTINGS 1. Walk up to the first painting (a man with an axe) and PUT the OLD INDIAN COVER on it. 2. Walk halfway down the middle of the hall and USE the BOW tofire an arrow at the painting at the far end. Once the arrow has hit the painting, purple smoke will appear. 3. Enter the door at the far end of the hall. JEREMY'S BEDROOM 1. Get the FALSE BOOK from the table. 2. PUSH the grandfather clock aside and SEARCH the hole behind it to get the KEY to Jeremy's Study. 3. Exit room and enter the double doors located halfway down the hall. LIBRARY 1. USE the OIL LAMP. 2. PUT the LAMP down in the middle of the floor. 3. Quickly RUN down the corridor at the upper left of the screen. 4. Follow it around to the right until you see an indentation in the wall of books. 5. Go a little ways past this and SEARCH the books next to the indentation to find a mechanism. 6. USE the FALSE BOOK to open the secret room behind the indentation and enter it quickly. A monster will be chasing you and can only be killed by a certain dagger that is found inside the secret room. SECRET ROOM 1. Get the TALISMAN from the shelf. 2. SEARCH the bookshelves to ge the DAGGER with the curved blade. 3. USE the DAGGER to kill the monster in the library. 4. Get the OIL LAMP from the floor and open the closed double doors. You are now in the lower lobby. 5. Go through the dark opening, down the stairs, and get the GRAMOPHONE. 6. USE the silver KEY to open the locked door next to the door to the enclosed porch. 7. Continue down the big hall and re-enter the smoking room #18. 8. USE the KEY to open the locked double doors. JEREMY'S STUDY 1. PUT the OLD CAVALRY SABER in the coat of arms on the wall. If the saber was broken, put both halves in the coat of arms. 2. SEARCH the bookcase in the corner to get the RECORD. 3. Exit the room and go back through the smoking room, into the hall. Not the ones at the end of the hall. PIRATE'S ROOM 1. USE the SWORD to kill the pirate. You cannot shoot the pirate. 2. Get the KEY TO THE DANCEHALL from the dead pirate. 3. USE the KEY to open the double doors. DANCE HALL 1. Walk to a corner and USE the RECORD (dance of death). You must have the GRAMOPHONE. 2. The ghosts will dance. Do not let the ghosts touch you. 3. Get the KEY TO THE PIRATE'S CHEST from the fireplace mantle. 4. Exit the room and go back to Jeremy's Study. 5. Walk down the stairs in the floor. BOTTOMLESS CHASM 1. RUN across the collapsing bridge. 2. Follow the tunnels until you see a giant worm behind you. 3. RUN away from the worm until you can turn right into another tunnel. CAVE 1. FIGHT or SHOOT the monster that waits for you to enter this cave. 2. Continue down this tunnel until you see the worm again. 3. Then RUN back to the place in the tunnel where you turned right and fought the monster. 4. Turn right down the tunnel created by the worm. If the worm is still there, repeat steps 2 and 3 until the worm moves out of the tunnel. UNDERGROUND 1. Step down onto the wooden dock and walk around to the right until you come to a lighter shaded brown section of the wood. 2. JUMP over this section as it will collapse if stepped on. 3. Avoid the monster in the water or kill it. If you kill it, more will appear. 4. Climb up the ledge to the opening. TUNNEL 1. FIGHT or SHOOT the spider monster. 2. Continue down the tunnel. ROCK PILLAR CAVERN 1. Stand in the opening and shoot the flying monster. 2. JUMP from rock pillar to rock pillar. Use the left ones. 3. When the screen view changes, go to the opening on the right. 4. Follow the tunnel until it forks-go right. LARGE CAVERN WITH PLANKS 1. Walk to the right side of the rock plateau. 2. JUMP over the light colored wooden planks onto the darker ones. * Actually, if you follow the marked path (swords and sticks with skulls), you should be safe from falling planks. The only problem is the area where the flying thing is buzzing, since it involves a jump. 3. JUMP and climb up rock pillars until you reach the far side of the room. 4. Shoot or avoid the flying creature in the middle of the cavern. 5. Go to the chest. PIRATE'S CHEST 1. USE the KEY to open the chest and get the GEM. 2. PUSH the rock behind the chest to one side. 3. Enter the dark opening and follow the rock corridor. 4. Step down the ledge and continue forward until it goes black. DARK MAZE 1. USE the OIL LAMP. 2. Walk to the left and try to wind around to the left until you cannot go that direction any further. 3. Turn downwards and go down until it is no longer possible to go further. 4. Turn to the right of the screen and walk until you come to a stone door with a hole in it. 5. USE the GEM to open the door. 6. Enter the room and OPEN/SEARCH to put the OIL LAMP away. END CAVERN 1. RUN and jump off of the rock steps. 2. RUN to the stone altar in front of the tree while dodging the fireballs and the monster in the water. 3. Get the HOOK. 4. While in front of the altar, PUT the TALISMAN on the altar. The fireballs will stop. 5. USE the LIGHTER to re-light the OIL LAMP. 6.THROW the OIL LAMP at the tree. * THIS IS NOT WORKING!!! I put the talisman, light the lamp, throw the lamp, but nothing happens! 7. RUN to the right of the cavern and climb onto a different rock plateau. 8. Climb up to the rock door and USE the HOOK to open the door. 9. Turn left and go back into the maze. It will now be light. 10. Turn right and USE the HOOK to open the door. 11. Turn left and you are now back in the underground # 28. 12. Walk along the wooden docks and climb to the opening on the other side. 13. Turn right and follow the tunnel straight ahead until you come to a small black opening. 14. Enter the opening. BASEMENT 1. Walk around the wine racks to the other side of the room and climb the stairs. * But you can't enter the opening in the basement until you get the wine casks out of the way, and you had to do that from the other side, before you entered the underground. Having a player go all the way then get stuck here is more evil than anything Pickford (or whoever he really is) could have devised. ^o^ 2. You are now back in the front lobby. Walk down the large hall and open the double doors at the end. /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\ [AD2] Alone in the Dark 2 \___________________/ - GENERAL HINTS AND TIPS o Fighting can be made really easy by always closing on your target and punching them as often as you can. Most of the time, they will keep shooting toward but behind you. Most of the thompson guys are poor aimer and they often fire at some spot on the wall instead of at you. Stay close to the walls sometimes (specially true in the garden). o There is a strange bug you can use to go through some doors and walls. When you have a sword, close on the door and make the "dive attack" (when you make one step forward while attacking). You'll be able to pass through most of the doors (with VERY erratic results though). o This walkthru does not tell you when to drink your flasks and when to reload your guns. You might spend a lot more ammo than I did so maybe you'll have to improvise. Maybe the walkthru wont tell you how to get all the storyline elements (books, pictures, etc.). They are pretty obvious and I know you will get all the things the dead guys will leave behind :). o Remember that some weapons seems really weak in attacking power but they can be very useful when speed is important (the revolver, the beater and the good old punch for example). o A rule of thumb : always take everything a dead guy leaves behind. I think I forgot some stuff like "take the key" or "take the book" but you should be able to figure what to take. o Sometimes, you might get stuck for no obvious reason. This is the way to tell you that you're missing an important item to continue on your adventure. Be sure to take everything you can and to use the items whenever you have a chance. o Finally, I played the game with the french version and some objects might have different names. Sorry for the incovenience and for my bad english. I - THE GARDENS - Kill the guy with your bare hands and take his thompson, the clip and the flask. - Run down the alley to the big statue of the anchor, push it and enter the gardens. If you make your move fast enough, you should be able to avoid the thompson guys. - There is someone just behind that corner. Kill him from the corner and take the picture. - Turn right, get rid of the thompson guy, take the clip and the flask. Go where that guy came from. - Take the rope, remember you saw a DIAMOND card. - Go back where you found the picture, walk to the crossroad. When you'll walk past the crossroad, another "hey you" will appear. Fill him with lead and take the way to the top of the screen. - Now that guy is a real pain. Dont let him close on you. Stick to the left wall and fire your thompson at him. If you kill him now, he wont bother you again. ( that's the case of most of the bad guys in the gardens, they sometimes track you even if you never "met" them). Go the dead end and take the clip. - Go back to the crossroad and go to the bottom of the screen. There will be another tough guy in trench coat. Kill him and continue your way until you find the grapplin. Another "hey you" will appear. If you're not fond of killing, step on the diamond card. If you intend to step on another card, well, save first. II- THE CAVE - Go straight forward and get rid of that green guy. - Go take the flask and forget about the ladder for now. Go to the other part of the cave. - Push the chest to make the altar raise. Watch out fot the ghost! Dont worry, he's "thompsonable". Take the pirate's saber. - If you have some "friends" waiting for you at the entrance (place with 4 cards on the ground), it would be a good idea to use the metalic jack on the altar so you can escape via the other trap. If not, forget about the jack and get out of the cave. III - THE GARDENS AGAIN - If both cases, you should make your way to a 3-ways intesection. Go in the L-path, be scared by the demonic face and turn left. Shoot the fat 12-gauge wielding gangster and proceed. (not turning will get you back near the crossroad, geez, you're so curious, trust me a little more!). - Cut the weaving branches with your saber and SAVE! See that little brown spot behind the trees? That's Shorty Leg and he's quite tough to kill. Best way to kill him is to hide behind the statue and use everything you've got, especially the revolver. Dont worry about spending all your ammo. Just kill him. - Take the flask and use the grapplin. Use the grapplin again to make the statue's arm move and enter. IV - THE BASEMENT - Darn! No more weapons! Take everything you see (a nickel, a crank and a paper bag). - You can cry on Stryker's corpse if you want but take his notes and the pick. Pushing Stryker off the cliff seems a bad idea but i never did it. Lemme know if it changes something later in the game...:) - To open the locked door, you need to use the paper under the door then the pick. You'll get the key and you'll get inside. - There are two ways to get rid of that sitting guy : The "nice" way : Get behind the barrel, just beside the lever. Use the paper bag twice, wait until the guy raises to his feet and push the lever. The "direct" way: Tease the guy, fight with him and try to make him fall the cliff... - Take the shotgun, the book and the flask. Go right behind the grandfather clock and use the crank to open the secret passage. go there and take the shotgun shells. - To get rid of Musicman, just tear his pact (the paper you used to get the key). Dont forget to take the hook. - As you might hear now, there is some heavy shooting nearby. Take the beater and go to the door. DONT GO UPSTAIRS YET!!! - To kill those two guys, stay in the doorway shoot the first guy, go backward and wait for the other guy to show up. - Those two guys were shooting at some rotating cards. Try to align 4 diamonds to open the door. 90 degrees rotations are possible, you just have to be well positioned. - Kill that guy and get into the cellar. Get the flask and the bottle. (HINT: save before drinking). Use the nickel in the slot machine to get two tokens. You might also take the book in the back of the room. - Return to the shooting gallery. Kill that guy and take the bag. You can also try to get the bag w/o worrying about the guy because he's so drunk, but he might shows up a while later... Or, you can try to leave the whiskey bottle nearby so he can party all night (he will never show up indeed). - Open the bag and put on the Santa suit. Okay, you look silly, but at least that little pest upstairs wont alarm everyone. V - THE HOUSE - Turn right and make your way to the kitchen. Watch out for the statue! Try to walk near the door. - In the kitchen, take the frying pan and get near the eggs. Listen to what T-Bone tells you and get ready to fight him. The pan is the best weapon because it will block incoming darts. - Take the wine from the stove and the poison beside the dumbwaiter. Use the poison with the wine. - Get near the door in front of the statue and drop your special wine. Wait for results. - Big Evil Hint : To get rid of that little pest walking down the hall and to remove any danger from the statue, wait until that little fellow walks before the statue and start running to trigger the trident. Duck in the kitchen and wait for result. Voila! - Go through the door you opened with the wine and use your two tokens in the juke-box in front of the statue. The golden token will make a doublon appear and the wooden token will open the door. - Get in the new room and take all the war material (bulletproof vest,clip, Thompson). - Now go just beside the statue with the trident and take the crown. Go upstairs. (i know, i know, there are still two doors left closed, more on them later). - Kill that laughing zombie first. Best way to do it is too close on him and punch, close again, punch, etc. He'll always miss you with his gun and you wont have any problems getting rid of him (it will take some time though). Open the door and get in the hall. Open the door in the middle hall. - The guy will throw a derringer. Take it and use it quick. Take the sword. There are a scroll and a book to find in the bookshelf. Get back in the hall and open the nearest door (the other door at the end of the hall is the bathroom, no need to go there). - The two ghost arms are protecting the other half of the scroll. It is not required to get the scroll but strongly suggested if you want to solve the next puzzle by yourself. Use the sword to kill the arms, stay right beside the window, hack, get back, hack again and so on. - CHESS AND MAGIK (the riddle) : Use the crown on the white statue. Go in the magic room and take the amulet. (the door in the magic room is another bathroom). - BOSS! BOSS! I CANT GET THE AMULET !!! WHAT'S HAPPENIN' TO ME? No sweat, you simply forgot to take an item somewhere. Most of the time it's the doublon. Just re-read the walkthru and try to get everything you can. - Two things to take, a flask and a note. Open the door and go immediately to the left and take the thompson with the clip. Stay right where you are and get ready to thompson two baddies. If you still have your bulletproof vest, there is no problem, otherwise, try to make the gangster fire on the karateka. (remember to USE you bulletproof vest though) - Take the grenade and the key. Dont open the door yet. Get in the open room and use the doublon in the jack-in-the-box. Take the pompon. - Now open the door and get inside the room. The only way to get rid of the clown is to throw the pompon through the archway. The right position is difficult to find. Let the clown go after the pompon and use the grenade in the chimney. SAVE!!!. Go down. - The grenade killed two of the baddies but there are still a lot of people down here. The best way to kill them all is to get out as fast as you can and wait for them in the kitchen or the lobby. Slash them when they go through the door. The beater is one of the bet weapon because it's so fast. If someone finds an easy way, let me know. - Take the red ball from the christmas tree and go upstairs again in the pool room. - Use the ball on the big box with holes. Use the key on the door and go inside. Wait for result and dont panic. - Listen to what Jack tells you and when he's done, use the hook to get out of here. - You can try anything you want but you'll always get captured by Elizabeth. The wisest thing to do is to go downstairs and walk toward the kitchen. VI - THE CUTE PART : PLAY AS GRACE SAUNDERS!!! - If you havent figured out that you're now Grace, well...First thing to do is to try all those cute moves (gna gna gna gna). Now push the plank so you can get out. Go near the parrot, take the seeds, the sandwich and the pepper. Give the seeds to the parrot if you want a clue. - Get out of the room and IMMEDIATELY go to your left. Hide in the small niche until the pirate stops walking. Go back to the ladder as fast as you can. By the way, it's the ladder at the end of the hall, not the middle one. You dont have much time until the pirate starts chasing you again so make it quick. - Dont tease that pirate and climb the other ladder. - Now you're going to play hide and seek with the crew. You must find a safe way to the open hatch without anyone noticing you. Go behind the sitting guy. Make your way to the edge of the ship and get behind the boxes. By the way, for a cute moment, try to fall into the Start trap. Before going down, take the flint&steel on the deck. --------------_ | Boxes |_| End | | Mast | X Mast | X | X _ | |_| | Boxes Start - Take the small cannon from the chest, the vase from the shelf and the stick next to the bed. - Now, position yourself right in front of the door, put down the cannon, use the pepper on the cannon. Throw the vase, wait until the pirate comes close and use the flint&steel on the cannon. Take the bell and get out of the room. - Go through the door in front of you. Take the chicken's foot, get near the blue plate, ring the bell and get inside the dumbwaiter. Take the key. - Use the key on the locker in the kitchen and get the molasse and the freezer. When you'll try to get out of the kitchen, you'll hear a familiar "hey you!". Get back in the kitchen and use the freezer or the molasse in the doorway. Actually, you will need both of these objects to get rid of two zombies. If you use the molasse in the kitchen, it wont be on the ground when you'll return. Do not worry, it's still there and it still works... - Go upstairs and do the same thing with the molasse or the freezer. Go to the pool room. Get the token if you want (havent the slightiest idea of what to do with it). Go into the room with the cell and use the stick behind the desk with the broken plate in the corner of the room. You'll find the key and another book. - USING THE TOKEN : about that strange evil force, well, i dont know...:) - The door to the chamber and magic room will now open. Get into the magic room and use the stick on the plate. Go next to the dumbwaiter and ring the bell again. - Captured again...sigh. VII - BACK AS CARNBY : THE REVENGE! - Get the key to free yourself and kill that pirate with your bare hands. Take the the sword, use it and follow Grace outside. Dont worry if you lose track of Grace. Kill anything you encounter. - The guy outside will leave the fuse behind. Get it and go through the door in front of you. Kill the two guys and get the fire-iron and the pliers as well as the key in the corner of the room. Get out. - Go through the door next to the niche where Grace hid, kill the guy and take all his stuff (gun ammo,chainmail,flask,gun). - Push the barrel to the left and get the chainmail. - Go through the door at the end of the hallway, close on the pistol pirate with your sword, take the ammo and the flask. Dont let anyone get in your way to the locked door on that deck. Use the key to get inside. - You're in the gunpowder room. think twice before firing your gun. Use the sword to kill the swordmaster, get the book and the gunpowder barrel. Get on the upper deck. - Open all the doors you can, there are two rooms you can enter. A sleeping room (dont stay inside too long because you dont want to wake those pirates) and a room with a cannon. kill the guy sleeping next to the cannon and use the pliers to free the cannon. Now PUSH the cannon to the left (this move is difficult, the right position is hard to find). Drop the barrel anywhere in the sleeping room (Carnby always places the barrel next to the wall). - Use the fuse on the cannon and use the fire-iron for a nice show... - Go into what's left of the sleeping room. Take the flask and the gold pieces. - Use the gold pieces near the locked doors and kill the two dwarves. Go where they came from, take the flask. Go kill the cook behind the door, take the metallic diamond card and use it on the last locked door. - Enter and fall (again) under Elizabeth's spell... VIII - GRACE AGAIN! - And Grace saves the day...Use the stick on the statue, get into the room and use the chicken's foot. Bye Bye Elizabeth! IX - BACK AS CARNBY : THE END! - First, FLEE! that ghost is way too tough for you. Climb the ladder to get on the main deck. - Kill everyone on the bridge. Get the hook and climb up the mast. Wait for the guy, hit him once with your sword to make him fall. Use the hook on the rope. Kill the karateka. Jump down and take Nichol's sword. - Free Grace with the pliers. Run to the cannons to stop the fuse. Now kill One-Eye Jack! Dont forget to use Nichol's sword and watch out for fake deaths! - Guess what? THE END! /~~~~~\ [BLZ] Ballz \_____/ Codes Enter the codes during a fight. They can also be done at the same ----- time. R L are Right and Left on the dir pad. BALL LARD BALL Huge balls. BALL RADAR LULU Shrink balls. BALL BLUR BALL Transluscent balls. BALL DRAB BALL Black and white balls. BALL BLAC BALL U Opponants balls turn black and white. BALL CLUB U BAD Lethal hit. BALL CRAC ALL Unlock all bosses for player. BALL BLA BLA BLA Infinite time. *May require several attempts* BALL DRACULA Swap power bars. BALL ADD A CABARA Gives camera control to controller 2 during 1 player game. BALL ADD RADAR Gives camera control to controller 3 during 2 player game. Fatalities When your opponent's power bar is critical, stand nearby and ---------- press Up, Up, Up. After your opponent shatters, press A several (5) times to execute the post-fatality move (there is only one after fight move per character). Guggler Trick Wait until it hides its head. Then taunt around five times. ------------- Because taunts build up, one shot will kill it. Boss Moves Note: The bosses probably don't have fatalities. ---------- Note: Left, Punch means to press Left, then Punch -- while Left And Punch means to press Left and Punch at the same time. The code in brackets after the fighter's name is the code to morph into that fighter. BALL BUCABUCA will morph a boss character into Kronk. Bounder [BALL RUURUU] ~~~~~~~ o Down + A + B Tail sweep o Down + B + C Tail whip o Down + A Duck punch o Down + B Duck kick o C, A Jump punch o C, B Jump kick o Up, Up, Up, A Tail bounce T-Wrecks [Unknown] ~~~~~~~~ o A (when close) Chew and spit o B Tail sweep o C Charge o A + B Stomp and chew o Down + B Tail stomp o A (when far) Roar Guggler [Unknown] ~~~~~~~ o A + B Taunt (Butt wiggle) o B + C Flip Kick o Down + B Toss o Down + C Head in sand o Toward + C Jump attack o Up + B Jump turn kick Lamprey [BALL ABRACADABRA] ~~~~~~~ o Down + A Morph to Byte Viper o Left + A Morph to Spike o A + C Morph to El Ballz o C Slip flip o A Punch o B Forward punch and tail flip o Toward + C Slither charge o Toward + A Corkscrew El Ballz (the bull) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o A Head butt o B Hind leg kick o C Stampede o Up + A Rear up o A + B Morph to Lamprey Spike (the scorpion) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o A Grab and sting o B Tail strike o C Jump o Toward + B Super tail strike o Up + C Jump flip o A + B Lunge o B + C Jumping sting o Down + A Jumping arm attack o A + C Morph to Lamprey Byte Viper (the snake) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o A Lunge o B Tail whip o C Jump up o Toward + B Roll o Up + C Dive into ground o Toward, A + B Eat opponent o A + C Morph to Lamprey Moves ('Regular' fighters) ----- Boomer [Right, Left, A and C] ++++++ o Down, A and B Punch at three times arms length o C, A and B Kick with both feet o Down, Toward, B Power kick o Left, Left, Kick Handstand Left o Right, Right, Kick Handstand Right o Up and Punch Jack-in-the-box o Down and Punch and Kick Telescoping arms o Right, Down, Left, Up, Punch Self Destruct o Down, Up and C Dive Bomb o Away, Towards, Punch Head hurl o Away, Towards, Kick Bowl Head Bruiser [Up, Right, Down, Left, A and C] +++++++ o Down, B and C Duck uppercut o Down, Up, A Buckle heave o Away, Toward, A Buckle toss o Away, Toward, B Buckle kick o C, A and B Kick with both feet (also when jumping) o Down and Punch and Kick Sweep (When close) o Left and Kick and Jump Sidestep Left o Right and Kick and Jump Sidestep Right o Left, Left, Kick Cartwheel Left o Right, Right, Kick Cartwheel Right o Down, Down, Kick Slide Tackle o Right, Down, Left, Up, Punch Tornado o Towards, Away, Towards Spin o Jump and Down, Down Cannonball o Back, Forward, Kick Kick Ball o Back, Forward, Punch Throw Ball o Up, Down, Up, Down Jumping Jacks (heal) Crusher [Up, Left, Down, Right, A and C] +++++++ o Away, Away, A Lean back and crank arm o Up, Toward, Back Foot stomp o Up, Down, Up Ground shaker o Left, Down, Punch Charge From Left o Right, Down, Punch Charge From Right o Towards, Towards, Punch Fencing o Away, Towards, C Horn Slide o Up, Down, A Grand Slam o Away, Toward, Punch Underhand Horn Heave o Away, Up, Punch Overhand Horn Heave Divine [Up, Right, A and C] ++++++ o Away, then arc to Down and A Uppercut o Hold B and C and Down x3 Flying kick o Away, arc to Down and B and C Flying kick o Down, B and C Low lunge kick o Down, Toward, A Ducking uppercut o Down, Toward, B Side thrust kick o Punch and Kick Flip & Throw (When close) o Down, Down, Towards Knee to Nuts (Wnen close) o Toward, Toward, Toward Scissor Throw o Down and Left and B and C Sidestep Left o Down and Right and B and C Sidestep Right o Left, Left, Kick Spin Kick Left o Right, Right, Kick Spin Kick Right o Up, Up, Kick Toe Leap o Away, Up, Towards Helicopter o Down, Down, Up Sing o Towards, Away, Towards, Away Bump'n' Grind (must be in line-of-sight) o Down, Down, Away Fake Dizzy Kronk [Left, Left, A and C] ++++++ o Up, A Overhead club o Away, Toward, A Throw loogie o Down/Away and A and B Bone sweep o Toward, B Lunging kick (impervious to ground attacks) o Toward and A Jumping club attack o Down, Up Club uppercut o Down, Down, Punch Nut Crush (When close) o Down and Away and A and B Bone Sweep o Toward, Toward, Punch Fencing o Up, Punch Lunge o Jump and Down, Down Flying Spear o Away, Up, Punch Loogie Tsunami [Left, Right, A and C] +++++++ o Away, Away, C Flip away, then do double flip at opponent o C, A and B Sumo slam o Up, B Flip kick o Left, Left, Kick Jumpside Kick Left o Right, Right, Kick Jumpside Kick Right o Up, Towards, Punch Karate Chop o Away, Away, Jump Flying Somersault o Up, Up, Jump Meditate (heal) Turbo [Right , Right, A and C] +++++ o C, A and B (when close) Spinning pile driver o Toward, Away, A Uppercut o Away, Toward, A Crank right arm for a wind up o Away, arc to Down and B Drop back on arms and kick out at opponent o Up, Towards, Punch Head Pound o Jump, Kick and Jump, tap Jump Hovering o Jump and Down, Down Flying Dart o Towards, Towards and Punch Super Blow o Away, Towards, Jump Torpedo Yoko [Up, Left, A and C] ++++ o Up, A Uppercut o Right, Right, Up Jump back and grab pole o Left, Left, Up Jump back and grab pole o Toward, Up, Up Swing attack o Left, Left, Kick Pole Swing Left o Right, Right, Kick Pole Swing Right o Up, Kick Backflip o Down, Kick Leg Swing o Towards, Up, Up Swing Attack o Jump, Up, Up Swing in Trees o Away, Away, Away Stun fart Zombie [Down, Down, A and C] ++++++ o Down, Down, B Grave digger o Toward, Toward, B Somersault o Down, Toward, B Power kick o Up, A Ducking punch o Away, Towards, Kick Coffin Chase o Away, Towards, Away Spin o Jump and Down, Down Jumping Kick o Down, Down, Kick Grave Digger o Away, Towards, Punch Boomerang o Up, Towards, Punch Shoot Eyeballs /~~~~~~~~~~~\ [BAT] Battlesport \___________/ Codes To enter each code, press P at the Title Screen. The Main Menu will ----- appear. Enter one of the following codes using controller two. A spoken comment will confirm correct entry of the code. Extra Opponants: Kubo Left, LS + C, B, A, LS + A, LS + Right Veteran RS + Right, Left ,RS + B, A, LS + C, LS + Left, RS + Right Bog Left, RS + A ,LS + A, Right, A, C, RS + B Cap. Quazar LS + B, Right, RS + Right, LS + Right, Left, LS + C, B, A, LS + A Extra Tanks: Invader RS + B, C, LS + Right, A, LS + A, LS + B, RS + Right Brawler Right, RS + A, LS + C, LS + Right, A, LS + C, RS + B, Left Cap. Quazar RS + A, Left, RS + Left, Right, LS + C, LS + B, RS + Right Tournament arena code: Right, LS + A, RS + C, LS + C, Left, LS + C, RS + B, Left Hidden messages Enter any of the following words as your name to hear the --------------- announcer say a hidden message. BSPORT, CO, CHEAT, CHEATR, CHOW, CYCLNE, EDDIE, EVAN, GAG, HAWKIN, HELI, HELMUT, HONG, JASONN, KAAV, KHOURY, KOBLER, KRAAIJ, LINDSY, LITTLE, MOF???, MTWO, NICOLE, QUAZAR, SUBHA, SHANE, TICKLE, TODDDD, TRIPP, VGAMES, WALKER, YBARRA /~~~~~~~~~~\ [BFC] Bladeforce \__________/ Level editor To access the editor the developers used when making Bladeforce ------------ (with saving disabled, obviously :) Start a new game and enter the following codes for the corresponding level you want to edit. All the codes begin with YTMHNP the last letter (A-H) represents the level, so the training mission is YTMHNPA And the bonus level (normally accessable in the final level) is YTMHNPH Letters beyond this (like the code YTMHNPI) are blank and will probably crash the machine. /~~~~~~~~~~~~\ [B13] Braindead 13 \____________/ Walkthru -------- * The game starts in the middle of a four-way intersection. Going forwards and back does not lead further in the game. Move Left or Right to move to another level inside the castle. Once past the staircases, moving either Left or Right will eventually take you in a circle around the castle. * In this circular area, there are two intersections that will allow you to go down. Going Down returns you to the staircases which will lead to the four way intersection at the begining. Three intersections will allow you to forward by pressing Up. They are Vivi's Funeral Salon, Moose (The Stairway). and The Garden. * These three areas have hidden secrets that must be completed correctly on the first try. If you fail, you must start over: + Vivi's Funeral Salon: When Vivi asks if you want a "shave" or "something else", look at Lance's face carefully. One of his eyes will shift. This clue will reveal the correct move, which is to the Right. To finish this section, get the manicure, then the facial. The final move has a hidden secret. In the final move, Lance is sitting in the chair when Vivi activates her remote control. Instead of pressing Left, press B and figure out the remaining moves to successfully defeat Vivi for good. + Moose (The Stairway): When Fritz pulls the ropes that bring you to the top, the ending moves are Left, Left. Instead move Left, Right and figure out the moves to defeat the sports player and escape Fritz. + The Garden: When you swing to the ledge of the statue, go right to avoid the statue's poison. After that instead of going Up, go Right and figure out the moves to defeat the statue. If this is done successfully, the statue will toss you back to the castle unharmed. To get through the maze, move Right, Up, Up, Left, Left, Down, Down, Right, Right, Up, Up. * Move Left or Right when crossing the bridge. Both directions must eventually be crossed. You will end up at an intersection. Move in the direction that Lance is running. After Lance climbs the ladder, go Up to avoid the cat's attack. When the witch approaches, move in the direction Lance is facing. * When Lance gets to the tunnel go Down. When Lance takes the eyeball, leave the room. You will end up in that tunnel again. This time, go Up. After defeating the first witch, you will be in a four-way tunnel. Go Up and follow these same instructions in reverse for the evil twin witch. * After defeating the second evil twin witch, you will be in the four-way tunnel again. Go Up. When crossing the bridge towards the location of either witch, an elevator will appear. Go Up. * Pick up the sword and fight your way up the stairs. Enter the room at the top of the stairs to face Dr. Nerosis. You can move Left or Right, or just waste time. To finish the game, go Left, Right and try to learn the moves (timing is critical ). If successful, Dr. Nerosis will finally be defeated. To leave the castle before it explodes, press any button or move in any direction. /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\ [BRS] Burning Soldier \_______________/ Special Options First connect second control pad, choose option at menu --------------- screen. Push Ls+Rs+C+X+Right at the same time on the second control pad. Now you can select seven different kinds of options including 4-player mode. /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\ [CAP] Captain Quazar \______________/ Disappearing walls Press P to pause. Press RS, LS, B, B, B, RS, LS, Up ------------------ All walls near Captain Quasar will disappear for a short amount of time. Teleporter codes ---------------- Level 1 Level 2 BBBBBBBB ABABBABA CCCCCCCC BBAABBAA Salt mines BBAAAABB CCBCCACC Diamonds and forcefield CCACBCBB First spice refinery CCABACBC Second spice refinery BABAABBA Level 3 ABCBCCAB Hidden rocket site AACBCABB BACACABA Money fort CCBBBBAA /~~~~~~\ [CAS] Casper \______/ File manager bug: The game's file manager may lock up when attempting to scroll down the list of saved games. The system will have to be reset, causing the loss of everything accomplished in the current session. Save game bug: The game keeps track of everything that was changed as it is played. As more of the house is explored more things are changed, which results in a larger save game file. After over 80% of the maps are explored, the size of save game file can actually exceed the 16K limit of the 3DO nvRAM. At this point, only one save game can be present. This is a design flaw from the original Saturn version from which the 3DO version was based. When quitting the game, the file will be lost instead of being saved. Since there is no warning when a save is made, everything appears to be normal. Use the following technique to try to avoid this problem: Use the 3DO Game Guru to compress all save game files that can not be deleted. Before saving, use the Storage option to check how much nvRAM is used and available. Exit the Storage option (without scrolling) and save the current session. Use the Storage option to verify that the nvRAM numbers have changed. If the save was successful, the bytes available should decrease and the bytes used should increase. /~~~~~~~~~~~~~\ [COR] Corpse Killer \_____________/ Datura bullet trick Hold A and tap B to get one Datura bullet while the ------------------- Shadow Man is attacking. This will only occur when your character is out of Datura bullets and the Shadow Man is on the screen. /~~~~~~~~\ [CPU] CPU Bach \________/ Debug Mode: Select Classics, then move up/down to any slot. Holding either shift while pressing right or left brings up a 12 digit alpha-numeric display. This "code" represents the piece of music in that slot and allows you to edit your saved piece. Here's a partial list of what they do, listed from left to right. 0 0-4 Determines name of piece (Imperial, Aspen, etc.) 0 0-F " " 0 0-F Determines 'style' of play (smooth, syncopated, etc.)? 0 0-F " " ? 0 0-F " " ? 0 0-F " " ? A A-X Melody seed A A-X Key (A#, C, etc.) A A-X Music Type (Fugue, Adagio, etc.) A A-X ? A A-L Instrument (Piano - Trumpet) A A-G ? /~~~~~~~~~~~~~\ [CNB] Crash 'N Burn \_____________/ [Note: It has been told to me that this game might destroy all your saved games if you reset the machine during a race. It may be a fluke rumor, or whatever -- but to be safe you may want to be sure to pause and quit your game before ejecting the CD. - Ed.] Black Market Goods ------------------ Stealth Generator: Makes you somewhat invisible, but the drivers will still shoot at you. When you take enough damage it wears off. ($11k) Polarity Inverter: Blocks projectiles most of the time. ($10K) Targeting Computer: Helps in targeting enemy drivers faster and more accurately. ($9k) Doomsday Missile: Does Awesome damage, but you just get one per reload. It won't blow up an undamaged driver, but you'll seriously hurt him or her. ($19k) 120mm Gauss Gun: Does heavy damage like the Vulcan cannon, but shoots much slower - 5 sec. reload, ammo 1000. ($16k) Dragon Laser: Blows everything away with relative ease. If you can't blow everybody away on the first lap, stop, wait and let the other racers lap you (or catch up if you're ahead) and let them know who's boss. ($25k) Grim Reaper: A great car. You see it when some of the other illegal goods are offered to you. Speed: 305 / Acc: Awesome / Armor: Fair / Cost $20k Backlash: The closest you'll get to a batmobile. Speed: 330 / Acc: Fair / Armor: Great / Cost: $25k Dragon Car: Watch out track records. This cars really moves. You can see this car in the C'N'B Intro getting blown off the track by Drugger. Speed: 355 / Acc: Good / Armor: Awesome / Cost: $30k The black market cyborg will only appear (at random) and offer things that you have enough money to buy. $2,000 trick If you finish a track but don't get the record time, you may ------------ still get $2,000 if the next track's record time is higher than the time you got. Just reset the game and you'll receive the record time bonus. Example--on track 3 the record time is 1:04, and you finish in 1:10. No record. But track 4's record time is 1:21, and your track 3 time of 1:10 was below that. Reset and you'll be at the money screen after track 3, but you'll receive the $2,000 record time bonus. Note that this trick can work against you, taking away your legitimate record time bonus if you reset on a track with a lower time. Infinite Continues This is simple--never continue. The game saves after ------------------ every race automatically, so just reset the machine (or hit pause and choose quit) whenever you die. Just load the saved game and keep racing. Deathdrome Message The message in the sideline of Deathdrome track 4 reads: ------------------ Once upon a time a genius, a spiritual overlord and a visionary racing criminal became "sotally tober" and decided they would create a legend. Mark said, "Future shock on wheels. Sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll at 100MPH! And with more guns than the LAPD. It's what America's all about!" Madeline raised the toast, "And make sure it is done before September or we'll swing by our heels." And thus it was decided But they needed some help. Little did they know that a hedgehog trainer named Bill would arrive in a few weeks all set to kick some asphalt. "Don't tell me the odds," said Bill, "and I won't tell you to get the h#ll out of my office. "Bill put the 'I' in Artificial Intelligence, and a little A, too, just to keep me from going insane (again). Cyrus creater a killer two million dollar demo, and then put together the best art teams ever legally assembled. "Programming doesn't have to be ugly," he said. "Programmers, maybe, but this thing will shine when me and Steve get done with it." Steve shrugged. "Say what you like, 'cause I'm not listening." Steve listens to only Rocker, Twix, Druger and Klaw (NOT!). "This thing will shine when me and Cyrus get done with it," says Steve. And so it began, at first a train wreck waiting to happen. But later the prize of the show was winning the blue bundle ribbon. Another Bill joined (you can never have to many Bills) and glued the whole thing together with Steve after setting all the cars on fire. The other Bill says mysteriously, "And wait until you see the other tunnels, too." As always, a few stunt programmers were needed. Troy, feeling like Godot as he waited for OS (should have been called the SOS) tried to make the Fat Lady sing, but when asked to play a tune, Troy sez "Bite me!" and stumbles home to bed at 130MPH. In the end, both the ground and the grunge behaved, and much sleep was had by all. A final thank-you to Frankie Goes to Hollywood (just like 3DO) for their musical inspiration! "The Ballad of Crash 'N Burn" was written by Jon "nakasete miyou" Horseley /~~~~~~~~~~\ [CDL] Cyberdillo \__________/ Debug mode During the game, press LS + X, then B, Up, B, B, A. Options will ---------- appear in bottom left corner. Press LS to change options. Press P to activate the a mode, which can be used in combination with one another. Lee Mode Invincibility Smart Bomb Destroys all enemies Jump To Level Choose stage of any level. Press LS to change levels and RS to change stages. /~~~~~~~\ [CYB] Cyberia \_______/ Walkthru -------- The Rig Docking bay * The game begins in the Rig's docking bay. A door on the right leads to Gia and the Gunnery Chair. The door on the left leads to an elevator, which connects to the hangar, where a Transfighter is ready. Gia * When Gia is met, she immediately tells Zak to turn around and disarm his weapon. To avoid being killed, press the Left. Gia will kill Zak if this action is delayed, or another action is taken. The Gunnery Chair * Note the six blue indicators on the control panel display (bottom middle of screen). These display hull damage to the Rig that Zak is defending. If too much damage is sustained to the Rig hull, it will be destroyed. * After successfully defending the Rig, Gia will congratulate Zak and offer a kiss. To accept her kiss, press Up or just wait. To decline, press Down. Kissing Gia will cause Santos to become jealous and have a guard knock Zak unconscious. The Elevator * The elevator allows movement between the upper dock and the hangar. To operate the elevator, walk to the buttons in the corner of the room. The view will switch to a Visor View. Move Zak's hand over the Hangar button and select it. The view will switch back to normal allowing Zak to enter the elevator and ride up to the hangar. Guards * If Gia was not kissed, there will be no problems with the guards in the Rig, as long as their directions are followed. If Gia was kissed, Santos will be enraged and will order Zak to be killed. * After escaping from Santos, Zak will be in a warehouse. Get the power pack for Santos' weapon before continuing. There is a ladder in one of the rooms in the warehouse. * Climb up the ladder and walk down the ramp. The door to the right leads to the hangar. Once inside, quickly lock the door behind Zak or a guard will open it and shoot. Turn to face the crates next to the locked door and walk towards the door. The view will change, showing Zak looking out from behind the crates. A guard is right down the hall from Zak's location. As the guard begins to walk towards Zak, the view will change back to a normal walking view. To fire the weapon, press Right to raise the weapon and the appropriate button to shoot. To be successful, wait until the guard is raising his weapon before shooting. If Zak fires too early, the shot will miss and the guard will kill him. The Bomb Puzzle * There are three ways of disarming the bomb depending on the puzzle difficulty level that has been selected. The directions are: * Level 1: Perform a MRI test on the bomb. There are seven switches in one row, of which only one switch is active, a vibration sensor and an on/off switch. First toggle the vibration sensor switch, then toggle the other active switch. Do not touch the on/off switch. * Level 2: Perform a MRI test on the bomb. There are seven switches in one row, a vibration sensor switch and an on/off switch. First toggle the vibration sensor switch, then toggle the fourth switch from the left, and then the second switch from the left. * Level 3: Perform a MRI test on the bomb. There are seven switches in one row, a vibration sensor switch and an on/off switch. First toggle the vibration sensor switch, then toggle the fourth switch from the left, and then the second switch from the left. Now toggle the first switch on the right, (not the on/off switch) then toggle the second switch from the right, and then the third switch from the right. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Transfighter Missions Note The Arcade difficulty level set when the game begins adjusts the accuracy required for making hits on enemy units. The easy setting displays large target boxes, making enemy ships much easier to hit. Target boxes reduce in size as the difficulty level increases. While playing the Transfighter sequences, there are three small indicators near the top of the screen. The scale on the top right is the Shield levels. Each hit to the ship depletes the shield levels. When the shields are at a very low level, hits from enemy weapons will damage the ship. Shield energy recharges when the system is not being fired upon. The scale at the top left represents weapons energy levels. As energy is depleted, weapon effectiveness is reduced, until, at very low levels, firing becomes intermittent. Weapons energy recharges while weapons are not in use. Beneath the weapons energy is a scale representing actual hull damage. When this level drops to zero, the hull of the ship has been breached, and the Transfighter will explode. This scale will not recharge because damage will not be repaired during flight. All scales will return to full during the next Transfighter sequence. Open Ocean * This is the first Transfighter sequence. The goal is to destroy a large enemy ship by exploding its fuel tank. The target will be designated by a blue target box. If this ship is not successfully destroyed, the Transfighter will be destroyed. Military Islands * The Transfighter must pass over a heavily guarded enemy munitions dump on the way to destroy an important enemy submarine. Destroy as many munitions buildings as possible along the way and watch for cruise missiles as the sub is approached the sub. Take careful aim at the blue target box when the sub is reached. Kill it or the Transfighter will be destroyed. Norway * This is the third Transfighter mission. Watch for numerous tanks in the area as well as air defenses. A large hovercraft will rise from behind the canyon walls midway through the mission. It must be destroyed quickly or the Transfighter will be destroyed. Archangel Military Port * This is the fourth Transfighter mission. The goal is to fly through the military port in order to reach a freight tunnel through the mountains. Watch for numerous air and ground defenses in the area. The entrance to the tunnel is shielded, and the shield generator must be destroyed. As the Transfighter make a pass to attack, a large gun will be aimed from behind the generator building. Destroy the generator building or the Transfighter will be shot down by the gun. Freight Tunnel * This is the fifth Transfighter mission. The goal is to make it through the tunnel in one piece. Do not fire upon the fuel trucks which are designated by blue target boxes. If they are hit, everything inside the tunnel, including the Transfighter ship, will be destroyed. Zubrovska * This is the sixth Transfighter mission, in which a refueling center must be reached. Try to be very accurate with your shots in the beginning of the mission in order to conserve weapon energy. Fire individual shots instead of holding down the trigger. The hardest part of this mission occurs near the end, when three fast enemy planes attack with missiles. Pay close attention where each of these planes appears on the screen, then repeat the mission and try to anticipate the arrival of each plane. After this point, do not to shoot the helicopter which passes as the Transfighter lands, or the resulting explosion will destroy it. Ice Canyons * The seventh Transfighter mission is very difficult. Save enough shield and weapon power to defeat the huge enemy attack plane at the end of the mission. Try to shoot each enemy aircraft as soon as it is targeted with just one shot. After a sharp turn is made over the water and two enemy helicopters are destroyed, two targets will appear on the right side (one shortly after the other). These ships must be destroyed quickly or the Transfighter will suffer major damage. Space Sequence * This difficult sequence requires perseverance and the memorization of target locations. Anticipate the arrival of each enemy target and move the cross-hairs to the proper location just before the target actually comes into range. Being merged with the Cyberia weapon, weapon energy is unlimited, so fire away. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Cyberia Complex Visor Puzzles Zak's visor is needed to solve many of the puzzles in Cyberia. During each visor puzzle, the the Infra Red Scan (IR), the Magnetic Resonance Scan (MRI), or the Bio-Mass scan may need to be activated. The right side of the visor has a small gauge of four colored blocks which indicate energy level. The solution to the Visor Puzzles may differ depending upon the puzzle level that selected at the beginning of the game. Perimeter Perimenter Lock Puzzle Level 1 solution: To open the perimeter lock on the entrance to the complex, toggle the first switch on the left, then the third switch then the second switch. Levels 2 and 3 solution: Toggle the first switch on the left, then the sixth switch and then the third switch. The Security Door Puzzle Levels 1, 2, and 3 solution: First use an infra red scan on the keypad. This will display a reading of heat from the previous person to access the door. The keys are cooling off in the order in which they were touched, allowing Zak to read the combination, which is 2571. After punching in the code, press the enter key on the keypad to open the door. The Elevator Puzzle Levels 1, 2, and 3 solution: A combination is needed to close the elevator doors to protect Zak from the blast grenade. This is obtained from H. Suzuki computer terminal. At the Suzuki terminal are dossiers for the people who work in the complex. The last record is for a new employee who has been given a temporary access code. Make note of this code and it quickly at the elevator to avoid being killed by the grenade. Pressing the buttons repeatedly to cycle through the various shapes to enter the code. The Pump Puzzle Level 1,2, and 3 solution: The doors which lead to the Cyberia Weapon are out of service and must be operated manually. To open the doors line up the four valves along the center line. Each valve has a pressure switch that when pushed, raises the level of the valve. To line up the valves, press the switches to raise each valve in such a way that the valves will line up. When the valves line up they will lock in place and the door will open. Entrance The main entrance is to the north and is guarded. To get there, walk north from the Transfighter while staying as far to the left as possible. The other entrance is a ventilation shaft. It can be found east of the main entrance by walking from the Transfighter and staying to the right. When the main entrance of the complex is reached, a guard outside will begin shooting. If Zak gets shot immediately, the correct path to was not followed. Stay as far to the right as possible as Zak walks from the Transfighter to the complex. The correct path will lead to a shed that he can hide behind. Correct timing is the key to killing the guard. Try to move in between his shots. Computer Terminals The information accessed through the terminals will often provide game hints. Always check each room for any active computers. To use a terminal, simply move next to it. If that computer is active it will come on-line with an audible tone. One computer terminal in the complex requires a password. The hint to obtain the password was given on one of the Video Mail's earlier in the game. The hint is to go to the berthing area and look for a picture on the wall. This area contains large portrait of Albert Einstein. The password is Einstein. Dining Room The dining room contains four guards. The room must be entered. Shoot the two guards on the left, then duck behind the crate to the right. The two remaining guards will duck behind the tables and continue to fire at Zak. Perfect timing is the key to killing these guards. To fire from this position, press Up raise Zak's weapon, turn to aim, and shoot. Press Down to duck behind the crate at any time during this sequence. Lower Level Storeroom There is a storeroom on the lower level of the complex with a guard behind a glass wall. If he sees Zak, he will activate a Halon system and flood the room with poisonous gas. Move by the guard by watching his movements that cycle from the computer terminal back to his notes. Move past him when he turns away from the window. Once past him, enter the door out into the corridor. The first door on the left is the room he is working in. Enter the room and kill him. Lower Level Corridor The doors blocking the corridor which leads away from the Halon storeroom are guarded by two men on the other side. To pass them, roll to the left just as the door opens. Press Left and Zak will somersault and take cover. From this position, press Right to lean out to aim and fire. Conference Room As Zak the conference room is entered, two men will be engaged in conversation about the Cyberia Project. If Zak tries to enter the room he will be shot by the man who is standing. Wait until the conversation is finished and the standing man has left the room before attempting anything. After he is gone, walk towards the crates to the left to hide behind them. From this position, lean out to fire on the remaining guard. Cryo-lab The red security pass key is needed to pass through the door into the cryo-lab. The key is located in the infirmary (on the lower level of the complex), locked in a patients room that has been quarantined. The red key card is lying on a table along the right wall of the room . On the wall are vents that are currently closed. Access the computer terminal in the room to open these vents. Once the vents are open, go back to retrieve the card. Leave this room and take the first door to the left through the storeroom to the door leading to the red corridor where the elevator is located. After entering, immediately turn to the left, and walk to the steel grating that is blocking the path. Zak will push on the grating and it will fall, opening up a new passageway. At the end of this passage are the two vents that were opened. Reach through to get the card. Mutagen Sequence On the way through the complex Zak discovers that an experimental virus has infected certain areas, and although a vaccine has been created, it too has become infected. Five of the eight vaccines have already been used, leaving three that are still usable. To inoculate Zak against the virus, go through the culture to destroy the infection. If the game is set with Easy difficulty, at least 50% of the virus must be destroyed. On Medium difficulty at least 72% must be destroyed. On the Hard level at least 80% must be destroyed. If successful, Zak is informed that the culture is safe to use; otherwise the culture is still contaminated and Zak must try another. After successfully destroying the virus, note the number of the vaccine, (either 6, 7 or 8) and use that culture in the inoculation chamber. Note there is very little time available in the chamber before the virus will kills Zak. Enter the vaccine number in the computer and move into the inoculation booth quickly. Charlie Sequence After inoculation against the virus, Zak learns that some of the virus has mutated into larger creatures called Nanites and are infesting a portion of the complex. Since the infested areas contain the only passage to the Cyberia Weapon, it must cleared before proceeding. The only method to kill the creatures is to fly a remote unit, named Charlie, into the infested area. Every Nanite must be killed. A shock wave device may be fired that will kill all the Nanites in the immediate area. An alarm in the bottom right of the screen will activate if any Nanites get past. If this alarm goes off, use the shock wave device immediately to stop the Nanite from escaping. The Charlie unit has a limited amount of energy available for its weapons systems. The shock wave device uses much more energy than the regular weapons systems, and so should only be used in emergencies. /~~~~~\ [THD] The D \_____/ Hints ----- Beetle symbols Glowing beetles will appear up to four times during the game. Once triggered, Laura will experience some disturbing flashback sequences. They are located in varying areas in the game and are only accessible after certain specific actions are completed. Laura's compact Select the compact from Laura's inventory to receive a pictorial hint to solve the current puzzle. This may only be done three times per game. Laura's father At varying locations in the game, Laura's father will speak to her. Laura's watch The game must be completed in two hours (real time). The watch in the inventory will keep track of the elapsed game time. The game begins at 3:00, and will end at 5:00. Walkthru Note: This solution presents all actions available in the game, -------- including many that are optional. Once certain information is known (e.g., the number of the drawers to open or the combination to the safe, there is no need to play those sections that will reveal those clues). [Laura walks up to the entrance of Los Angeles National Hospital. She looks at the dead bodies in the waiting room. Suddenly, the interior of the hospital transforms into a gothic structure.] Dining Room * Approach the table and look at the bowl. The water in the bowl will turn to blood. * Approach the open door to the left of the fireplace to enter the First Floor Hallway. First Floor Hallway * Look at the dresser to the left of the stairway. An arm will stretch out of the mirror and grasp at Laura. * Walk into the Barrel Room to the right of the hallway. Barrel Room * Walk towards the far end of the room. A spiked wall will spring towards Laura, stopping inches from her body. * Walk up the stairs to the Second Floor Hallway. Second Floor Hallway * With the stairs to Laura's back, open the door to the left. A man impaled on spikes will be displayed. * Enter the door directly across from the stairs to enter the Second Floor Sitting Room. Second Floor Sitting Room * Approach the chest of drawers in the corner. Each drawer is marked with a roman numeral. Open drawer "I". Laura will take the piece of paper that is in the drawer. A beetle symbol may appear in this drawer instead of the paper (open the drawer a second time after the flashback scene has completed). * Approach the fireplace. Laura will pick up the silver key from the bottom of the fireplace. * Return to the Dining Room. Dining Room * Place the paper in the bowl on the dining table. The inscription "IV - II" will appear. * Return to the Second Floor Sitting Room. Second Floor Sitting Room * Approach the chest of drawers and open drawer "IV", then drawer "II". Laura will take the wrench that is in drawer "II". * Return to the Barrel Room. Barrel Room. * Use the wrench to turn the spigot on the barrel. The spikes on the far wall will retract. * Walk into the stairway that was protected by the spiked wall. The stairs end at a locked door marked with the number "78". * Return to the Dining Room. Dining Room * Use the silver key to unlock the door to the right of the fireplace. * Enter the First Floor Bedroom. First Floor Bedroom * A manacled prisoner is shackled to the wall. Note that his right arm disappears into the wall. Walk into the other section of the bedroom. * Approach the small wooden safe that is on a pedestal in the corner. Pull the handle to make the number "78" appear. Setting the numbers is difficult because there is a delay, and the number on the right slips ahead a few positions every time it stops. The number of digits that slips ahead is the number currently showing on the left side. Pull the handle to stop the left number between "0" and "1" to stop the display at "7". Pull the handle to stop the right number between "2" and "3" to display "1", which will slip ahead to "8". Once opened, the safe reveals the prisoner's arm that has been placed through the wall. Laura will take the ring off the hand in the safe. * Return to the Barrel Room. Barrel Room * Enter the room and walk down the stairway. * Approach the door and use the ring to unlock the it. [The door opens to reveal a circular stairway. As Laura walks down, a large stone ball appears and begins to roll behind her. Laura runs down the stairs, with the ball inches away from crushing her. She enters the Downstairs Bedroom just as the ball is stopped by the archway leading into the room. The stairway back to the first floor is blocked by the ball.] Downstairs Bedroom * Approach the painting above the fireplace. Upon closer inspection, the girl in the painting smiles and transforms into a picture of four animals in the pattern: Chicken Horse Rabbit Deer * Approach the desk with two drawers. A beetle symbol may appear here. * Approach the night stand to the right of the bed. Four cups painted with pictures of animals are on a circular tray on the night stand. Rotate the tray to match the pattern from the painting. The tray will rotate, and unlock the door to the right of the night stand. * Open the door and enter the Library. Library * Examine the four busts on the table. A beetle symbol may appear here. * Examine the bookshelf. A beetle symbol may appear here. * Open the door and enter the Prison. Prison [Laura looks at the dead prisoners. A gold key on the floor comes into view, still held by a prisoner. Laura picks up the prisoner's arm and drops it to the floor, dislodging the key, which she takes.] * Return to the Downstairs Bedroom. Downstairs Bedroom * Unlock the desk with the two drawers. Laura will take the book that was inside the drawer on the right. * Return to the Library. Library * Place the book on the bookshelf. The bookshelf will slide over, revealing a secret passage. [Laura walks up the stairs in the secret passage. As she passes through the archway at the opposite end, a metal gate and door slam down, blocking her way back. Laura is now in the Rotating Room.] Rotating Room * The podium in the center of the room has a wheel, that when turned, will cause doorways to different locations to appear randomly behind Laura. The locations are: + A brick wall that is impassable. A beetle symbol may appear here. + Stairs leading down to the Hall Of Knights. + Stairs leading down to the Circular Pool. + Stairs leading up to the Garden. + The locked gate blocking the secret passage back to the Library. + A room with a Stained Glass Window. * Rotate the wheel on the podium until the Hall Of Knights is accessible. Hall Of Knights [Laura walks down a flight of stairs into a hallway with suits of armored knights. She stares into a circular pit at the end of the hall. Turning around, she comes face to face with one of the knights, which now blocks her path.] * Watch the bottom of the screen for hints to use the controller. Laura can defeat the knight by executing the first move in time. If this is not done, the knight will push Laura into the pit. * If Laura falls into the pit, approach the metal rungs lining the pit wall. A beetle symbol may appear here. To defeat the knight, follow the on-screen controller hints displayed after Laura reaches the top of the rungs. Timing is crucial. Press each button immediately after prompted. [Laura climbs out of the pit and faces the knight. Press Left when prompted to move Laura out of the way of his sword. The knight points his sword inches from her eye. Press Right when prompted to move Laura away from another swing. Laura slips and hangs from the edge of the pit. She pulls herself up slowly. After she reaches the top, the knight steps in front of Laura and grabs her. The knight throws Laura against the wall. Press Left when prompted to avoid his sword again. Press A when prompted to push the knight into the pit. Laura will take the Knight's sword out of the wall.] * Return to the Rotating Room. Rotating Room * Rotate the wheel on the podium until the Garden is accessible. Garden [Laura climbs up a stairway and climbs through a trap door into a garden.] * Approach both statues in the Garden. When examined, the names of the statues (Aquarius and Sagittarius) are revealed. * Approach the fountain. A beetle symbol may appear here. * Approach the door on the tower wall. Place the sword in the slot on the door. The sword will break, and unlock the door. Use the door to enter the Tower. Tower [Laura walks up the stairs into the Tower] * Approach the telescope on the table. Use the lever to the right of the telescope to select the symbol for Aquarius (two wavy lines). Look in the telescope to see the constellation outlined in light blue. Move the lever next to the telescope to select the symbol for Sagittarius (an arrow crossed with a bar). Look in the telescope to see the constellation outlined in green. * Return to the Garden. Garden * Examine the statue of Aquarius. Push the light blue button. * Examine the statue of Sagittarius. Push the green button. [The fountain in the garden drains, simultaneously filling the Circular Pool with water. The chest that was in the middle of the pool floats over to the edge.] * Return to the Rotating Room. Rotating Room * Rotate the wheel on the podium until the Circular Pool is accessible. Circular Pool * Open the chest floating in the pool. Laura will remove the pistol that was in the chest. * Return to the Rotating Room. Rotating Room * Rotate the wheel on the podium until the room with the Stained Glass Window is accessible. Stained Glass Window * Use the pistol to destroy the window. Note the depiction of the woman and Nosferatu-like monster on the window. [The window shatters, revealing Laura's location in a huge tower. Laura climbs up a set of metal rungs next to the window to reach the Attic.] Attic [Laura climbs in through the window. The shutters close and lock behind her.] * Walk to the end of the hallway to experience another flashback sequence. * Return to the middle of the hallway. While facing the window, turn to the wall on the left. [The hallway shakes, and the wall in front of Laura splits open to reveal the Gear Room.] Gear Room * This room contains a strange machine with two gears. The gear on the left side has a red sphere. The gear on the right side has a circular hole. To complete this puzzle, both gears must be rotated to view the red sphere through the circular hole. * The two levers on the front of the machine can be set to three positions: front, middle, and back. Set the left lever to the middle position and the right lever to the front position. Push the red button until the red sphere is in the area between the gears. Set both levers to the front position. Press the red button until the circular hole overlaps the red sphere. [The machine moves back into the wall on a large screw. Laura walks up a flight of white stairs that are suspended in mid-air to the Spire.] Spire [Laura reaches the top of the stairs to face a wall with a painting of her mother.] * Examine the painting. [A series of images will be displayed. The view shifts to a room with Laura's father. He explains the meaning of "D", and Laura's disturbing visions. Her father begins to transform and asks Laura to come to him.] * Use the pistol to shoot Laura's father. [The ending animation will begin. Watch the entire sequence of credits for a hint to the plot of the sequel, D2.] /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\ [TDE] The Daedalus Encounter \______________________/ View all scenes At the Menu Screen, hold LS + RS + X and press C. Use the Jump --------------- To option from the Menu Screen to play any scene in the game. Data patterns At the Menu Screen, hold LS + RS + X and press B. All of the ------------- patterns in the game are now available under the Data function. Orbs At the Menu Screen, hold LS + RS + X and press A. Your character will ---- have possession of all but one of the orbs. Development team Use the following moves in the Maze to reach a large chamber ---------------- that has pods that display the faces of the development team. Forward (your character will enter the maze) Select floodlight (the maze will be visible) Forward Rotate Right and move Forward Rotate Left and move Forward Forward Forward To see more team members, rotate until a gap in the pods comes into view. There are two holes in the far wall, on the left and right. Enter the right hole to see more of the development staff. The left hole to returns to the maze. Walkthru Note: The alien language in the game is depicted as a set of symbols. -------- The solution refers to the each symbol as a number, and is translated as follows: "1" represents a vertical line. "2" represents an X. "3" represents a triangle. "4" represents a shape that resembles the letter "W". "5" represents a group of five lines drawn downward from a central point. Prologue * Select yes in response to Ari. * When asked by Ari to deploy a probe, select startup, diagnostics, and deploy. As the freighter is approached, select analysis to identify it. To open the door, select the blue patch to the upper-right of the door. Select floodlight when asked. Move around until asked to grab the object by Ari. Select grapple-arm to grab it, then select analysis when asked. * Select yes when asked to go to Mizar by Zack. Daedalus * Immediately after the crash, select analysis to see the Artemis power system. * Puzzle (each cell is represented by a 3x3 character square): ##############-############## # | # # +-----+ # # | # # | # # +--+ # # | # # | # # +--+ +--+ +--+ # # | | | | | # # | | #-# | | # |-+ | +-|#|-+ | +-| # | | #-# | | # # | | | | | # # | +--+ +--+ | +--+ # # | | | | | # # | | | | | # # +--+ | +-----+ +--+ # # | | | # # | | | # # +-----+ +--+ # # | # ##############-############## * Select analysis when asked to check the ship by Ari. * Deploy the probe by selecting startup, diagnostics, and deploy. * Select floodlight when asked by Ari. * To open the door, select any color in the visible spectrum. Red Hall: Crew Quarters * Your character will travel across a long hallway, through a chamber, and finally through a partially open door into the far side of the crew quarters. Return to the side with the door. Rotate right to face the second column of triads. Select the lower triad, then the upper-left hole. * When the Krinn attacks, kill it with the laser. Select grapple-arm to pick up the orb. Your character may first have to exit and re-enter the hole in order to obtain the orb. * Exit the crew quarters. Yellow Hall: Engine Room * Select analysis on the door, and translate the data as "246135". Select the yellow light to open the door. * Puzzle: refer to the outer rotation hexes as A (top-right) clockwise to F (top-left). 1. BB CCC DDDD EEEEE 2. BB CCCC D EEE FFFFF 3. B CC DDD EEEE FFFFF * Select the violet light at the console to open the window. Sundial puzzle: refer to the circles as 1 (lower-left) clockwise to 6 (lower-right). 1 3 5 6 2 2 6 6 * Fight the Krinn, being careful not to hit Zack or Ari. When the window blows, select the violet light to close the shutters. Your character will be injured. Select analysis. Probe logic circuit puzzle: refer to the switches as 1 (top-right) clockwise to 9 (top-left). The switch with red and blue lights at the bottom is switch 5. 3 4 1 2 6 1 4 1 2 9 2 4 1 2 5 1 2 Or, by switch color: G Y R B BY R Y R B RY B Y R B RB R R Blue Hall: Hologram Chamber * Select analysis at the door and translate the data as "362514". Select the blue light to open. A puzzle must be solved before entry. * To rescue Zack when he falls, select thrust when the indicator hits bottom, repeating until the top is reached. * When facing the statue, select blue for the orbit puzzle. Four of the planets are directly movable. The fifth planet must be moved over the sun. * Move to face the statue and select send to transmit the "362514" code and get the orb. Orange Hall: Sick Bay * Select analysis at the door and translate the data as "415263". Select the orange light to open. * Puzzle: freeze the shapes into matching profiles. Label the figures: Pair them as: B H F A,L: "C" shape C I B,F: Large square A L C,I: Small square D J D,J: 3/4 circle (mirror images, not exact) G E,G: Half-circle with slot in top E K H,K: "O" shape * In the sick bay, turn right from the door until your character just passes the first table. Beyond it, on the floor, is an orb dispenser that can be approached. Select send to transmit the "415263" code, and the an orb will be revealed near the dispenser. Select grapple-arm to pick up the orb and give it to Zack. * Turn left from the door, until your character passes the other table. A control device that may be approached is located above and just past the table. To operate it, select red, blue, violet, orange, and violet. It will sever the hand of an alien, that cannot be used at this point. Green Hall: Farm * Select analysis at the door and translate the data as "531642". Select green to open. A puzzle must be solved before entry. * At the long corridor, as your character is facing the black opening, turn around and go forward (the correct spot is difficult to find). Another orb dispenser will be discovered. Select send to transmit the "531642" code. Select grapple-arm to get the orb. * Turn around and approach the black opening. The following sequence is a maze The maze is random at points and not entirely physical. It contains long and winding tunnels that change level. The solution is as follows: Forward (your character will enter the maze) Select floodlight (the maze will be visible) Forward Forward Rotate Left and move Forward. Forward (the maze will pass an incline) Rotate Left and move Forward Rotate Left and move Forward Rotate Left and move Forward Rotate Right and move Forward Forward (your character will exit the maze) Violet Hall: Library * Select analysis at the door and translate the data as "654321". Select the violet light to open. A puzzle must be solved before entry. This is really a game. Form a closed path of four or longer before the computer does. * Approach the panels. Each panel will display two pictures. Select various colors to make the pictures appear. Select analysis on each picture to capture the data. * Ari will set off a collapsing force field. Select send to transmit the "654321" code to shut it off. Finale * Note: The red door (marked with a vertical line) may be skipped if the orb from the crew quarters has already been obtained. The database will be full and the door cannot be analyzed. Select the red light to open the door. A puzzle must be solved before entry. Refer to the Red Hall section for information about retrieving the orb. * Return to the central hub. Go to the yellow door, (marked with an X) and select the yellow light to open it. Go through the next door and turn left. Go through the door, and turn around. Just to the left of the door is another orb dispenser. Select send to transmit the "246135" code. Select grapple-arm to get the orb. Return to the hub. The orbs will be inserted into the device. * Go to the orange door (marked with a symbol that resembles a "W"), and select the orange light to open it. Go through the next door into the medical center. Approach the hand that was severed earlier and select grapple-arm. Return to the hub. * Zack will throw the hand away. Look on the floor and select grapple-arm to obtain it again. * After the elevator ride, a live alien will appear. When asked by Ari to talk to it, select send to transmit the orange green yellow code that was obtained from one of the panels. /~~~~~~~~~\ [DKP] Deathkeep \_________/ Unlimited spells (for non-fighter characters) Open your backpack during ---------------- play with the Stop button. Hold down Ls+Rs and press A B A C A You will no longer need to rest to rememorize spells. Display FMV Select a character. At the Choose Difficulty menu, hold ----------- LS + RS and press P, A, C, X. All FMV sequences will be displayed. Time stop Press X to open the backpack. Hold LS + RS and press P, C, P, X, P. --------- Time can be started by using this code again. When time is stopped, all monsters and other animations will be frozen. Some items, such as spells, will launch but have no effect until time is started. Key code Press X to open the backpack. Hold LS + RS and press X, C, A, P. -------- Your character will obtain a key, which will be indicated by the counter on the character bar. The key will not appear in the backpack. Secret doors Secret doors have a left and a right vertical beams embedded ------------ in them. Jumping If you are having trouble jumping, try this: Look down as far as ------- possible, use the B button to inch your way to the edge of the ledge, jump, then move forward. This seems to work a lot better than trying to move then jump or trying to move and jump at the same time. /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\ [DMN] Demolition Man \______________/ Codes The codes for this game spell out words, using the direction pad ----- as (N)orth (E)ast (S)outh (W)est. L and R are Ls and Rs and there is also (U)p and (D)own on the direction pad. If you can finish the game with only one life it will tell you the codes. Blood Code Go to main screen (start, password, option), and enter: ---------- Rs, Up, Down, Right, Down, Up, Down, Right. Blood will drip down the screen to verify. Code word: RUDEDUDE Level Select Pause the game. Press Ls, A, Up, Down, Rs, Up to activate the ------------ level select mode. To select the hidden levels, press B + Up or B + Down to scroll through the levels, which will appear in the password box. Code word: LANDRU * VRGN 1 through VRGN 5 are five secret Doom-like levels that are modeled after the interior of Virgin Studios. * PASSWQRD displays the Password Select screen. * OPTIONS displays the Options menu. * TTLSCRN displays the Title screen. * LQGQS displays the Q Sound logo screen. * LSTNG#BTH displays the Listening Booth. Press Left or Right to select a song and P to play or pause. * CRDTS displays the Credits screen. * SCQRS displays the High Score screen. * GMWNNR displays the game winning scene. * GMQVR displays the game over scene. Virtual Sex Game If you enter the blood code and then get a million points ---------------- on medium or hard you will get a special Virtual Sex Game with Sandra Bullock when you finish the game. It is worth seeing. Perform the sequence four times when asked "you want to do it again?" and get a comment from Sandra Bullock. "The team suggests that you use the joypad to get a million points because your aiming will be more accurate and to get a million points you need to do very well at the shooting galleries early in the game. If you never miss you can get Super Bonus and Perfect Bonus scoring which will give you tons of points. Also, you can shooting things you already blew up (like crates) and still get more points." An easier way is to also use the level select and go through the VRGN bonus levels. If you are short on health, simply pause and select a different level. If you are short on health when fighting Wesley Snipes in the final level, you can also pause and reselect that level. /~~~~~~~~~~~~~\ [DRH] Doctor Hauzer \_____________/ Control Translation [Japanese import] ------------------- THE CONTROLS GO SOMETHING LIKE THIS: + The d-pad controls the movements: o d-left: rotate left. o d-right: rotate right. o d-up: walk forward. o d-down: walk backward. + A: action - search, take, use, whatever. + B: + C: run - a little faster than walk. + L-SHIFT: change views. Toggle between three viewing modes: 1. 3rd person cinema view; author has selected camera angle. 2. 1st person out-the-eyeball view (ala Doom). 3. Overhead map view. + R-SHIFT is the "rotate" mode: While the r-shift button is depressed, you can turn your head, look up/down without changing your position/facing. In the 3rd person view, you watch the characters head move around. In the 1st person "eyeball" view, you can use this feature to look up/down. + Play/Pause: Brings up inventory/menu. Unfortunately, all of the text is in Japanese, but you can still get the basic idea. o Up/down to move through inventory items. o left/right to look at a textual (katakana) description of the selected item. o A: use pictured item. Hint: the book that you start out with is where you can save/restore games. o d-left and d-right: Switch between inventory / text description of items. o d-up and d-down: Scroll through inventory items. BTW, the view switching is IMO one of the best features of the game. Certain camera angles that are selected for you can be somewhat limiting; changing views allows you to see as much of each room as possible. SPOILER FOLLOWS: Hint: in the second (living?) room, there is a key located inside of the grandfather clock. When you take the key out, the room shakes a bit and there is some strange animation that shows the camera zooming away from the room. I have no idea what the hell this means, but the key is necessary to go on. I have not solved this one yet, so don't go asking for more hints because I probably will not know the answer. Good luck, and happy adventuring! Walkthru -------- 1. Wait 5 seconds for SHANDALIER to drop 2. Exit room 3. Collect `WHITE KEY' from Grandfather Clock 4. Open directly opposite door over other side of room with `WHITE KEY' 5. Enter second door 6. Remove `FLOWERS' from Varse 1 7. Plant `FLOWERS' in Varse 2 8. Collect `WHITE KEY' from Bed 9. Enter next room through the Flower Picture 10. Collect `GREEN BOOK' from Desk near door 11. Collect `RED KEY' from Dressing Table up room 12. Collect `FLOOR MAP' from 3rd Wardrobe 13. Exit room via Door 14. Run to end of Corridor and press `A' on Red Machine 15. Exit via running over old floor and Door 16. Enter Double Doors near GrandFather Clock using `RED KEY' 17. Push Table (End First) towards other wall (!! This sets a switch and allows back doors to be opened !!) 18. Pull Cubboard down side of the room and exit through Door 19. Run up Passage as soon as you can and enter the Side Entrance 20. Enter Front facing Door to get into Kitchen 2 21. Collect `ORANGE KEY' from 3rd Cubboard 22. Collect `KNIFE' from 3rd Cubboard on other Wall 23. Collect `PETROL CAN' from off the floor by the Red Table 24. Exit Room 25. Enter Door to get into Kitchen 1 26. Push Table up room towards Cubboard 4 Squares then across Hole 27. Walk across Table, and collect `AXE' from Side Facing cubboard door 28. Exit room 29. Go back down Corridor to the next Door on the opposite side, and Enter the Door using the `ORANGE KEY' to get to Dining Room 30. Collect `CANDLE STICKS' off Giant Table 31. Collect `WOOD' from off the FirePlace (!! This makes holes and floor in parts disappear !!) 32. Jump over all holes and then Exit the room 33. Enter next Door up on same side as Exit Door (StairCase's) (!! 3 Giant Spikes will come from under the Floor to block you !!) 34. Enter Door on the Left 1/3, And go to very Bottom Bookshelves 35. Collect `CIGARETTE LIGHTER' from 1st Bookshelf 36. Collect `CROW BAR' from next Bookselve's bottom Bookshelf 37. Walk up to First Bookshelves, Collect `SHOTGUN' from 1st Bookshelf 38. Enter opposite Bookshelf (!! You now go down a underground hole using a Ladder !!) 39. Collect `RED BOOK' from 5th Bookcase round 40. Collect `RED BOOK' from 1st Bookcase over other side (Back/Middle) 41. Collect `GREEN BOOK' from Desk near Air Vent 42. Collect `AIR VENT' off Wall, Collect `PAPER' off Table 43. Exit room via First Bookshelf on other side of Red Book one! (!! You now go up a underground hole using a Ladder !!) 44. Remove boards off Entrance up Top Left Corner using `CROWBAR' 45. Use `CANDLESTICKS', use `CIGARETTE LIGHTER' 46. Go down Corridor and open boarded style Door 47. Collect `GREEN BOOK' from 1st Bookshelf 48. Stand by Bed looking towards the Green Light and use `SHOTGUN' 49. Enter Door back into Hallway behind the Spikes now! 50. Press `A' at Dead Body on the ground and collect `RED KEY' 51. Now enter next Door using `RED KEY' and dodge the big cutters 52. Open the Brown Box and collect the `WOODEN KEY' and Exit room 53. Use `WOODEN KEY' and enter Door round corner 54. Look at the Picture on the wall by pressing `A' activating the switch 55. Walk (DONT RUN) across Hole in Floor along Picture side 56. Open Door, Collect `ORANGE KEY' from 2nd bottom Bookself 57. Collect `GREEN BOOK' off bottom table, now Exit 58. Walk along opposite side of Hole and enter Door using `ORANGE KEY' 59. Open First Cubboard near Painting (!! This fires the deadly GrandFather clock Dart into wall !!) 60. Go back to Dart Clock Room and use `AXE' on the Orange Hook 61. Open Painting on wall, and collect `PAINTING' from Cubboard 62. Open 2nd door away from Painting, Collect `DYNAMITE' 63. Exit Room, walk to side of Fireplace (top) and press `A' twice (!! You now go down a underground hole using a Ladder !!) (!! You then fall off the bottom of the Ladder into a !!)(!! New area with *WOW* new creepier music !!) 64. Open Doors on Right, Collect `WHITE KEY' off Bodie, Exit Room 65. Enter other Door, Plant Dynamite at far Front Wall, Use `CIGARETTE LIGHTER' upon the `DYNAMITE' and !!QUICKLY!! Exit the room. 66. Enter Same Room Again, and go up to Wagon and press `A' (!! Watch yet more great graphics as you enter the tunnels !!) 67. Use `WHITE KEY' the one next to `PAINTING' in inventory on Door (!! Marvel at some really nice graphics !!) 68. As soon as intro has finished, Select `PAINTING' and then EyE ViEw and run forwardly (not 100%) towards the Face in Blue Beam. Once Close enough, the character you control will throw the PAINTING automatically into the bosses mouth. /~~~~\ [DOM] Doom \____/ Saved game bug The 3DO Memory Manager will lock up or reset when deleting the -------------- saved game file named "DOOM.PREFS". It will also be unable to display any files below this file. The file may be deleted by using the built-in memory managers of Syndicate or Wing Commander III. Codes From: (Burger Bill Heineman) ----- Here are the cheat codes for DOOM for the 3DO... All cheats are invoked while in the Auto-Map mode. You must be playing the game, (No pausing!!) and type in the code. You will hear an explosion sound that tells you the code was accepted. U,D,L,R = Up,Down, Left and Right on the direction pad A,B,C = A,B and C buttons. S,E = LeftShift and RightShift buttons (We needed the letters, sorry) SEEALLUAC = Allmap (See all walls in the map) SEERUBBLE = See all things in the map URABADASS = God mode ALABARACA = All weapons and 500 ammo SUCCEDALL = Level access, you reboot DOOM and now you can select ANY level to play URSURREAL = Two more larger screen sizes. 6 in all. This way you can play full screen!!! /~~~~~~~~~~~~~\ [DRL] Dragon's Lair \_____________/ Infinite Lives Enter U D L R U D L R at the title screen and press Start. -------------- Walkthru Here are the keypresses for each scene in Dragon's Lair. These are -------- the standard appearace of each scene...some will flip left/right (mirror) occasionally. The rough timing should become obvious (ie, whenever Dirk's in danger), but the exact timing is up to you to find out. Bracketed [] items are grouped together because they relate to the same danger. entry bridge: B U three doors: R tentacle room: B R D L U striped snake room: B B R "round" room [vague]: L U R U L U B U floor trapdoor room: B R U B U staircase that turns to ramp: L B L L furnace room: B B B L B two turning paddles: U B D U chest & bed room: U ceiling trapdoor room: R D U L L mechanical horse: [R L R L] L huge knight tiled room: [R L U L R L R] [B B] corridor with 6 doors: U B U B L B wooden bridge & bats: U U D B R R spiral staircase & big bat: B L L [B L] frog king: L [R R R R R] U B [L R D B] drink me: R small tiled room: D U L throne room: [R U R] R caverns with ooze: [U U U U] [R L R L] R lava room: B [U x7] skeleton room: L L R R colored balls: [D x6] U yellow liquid & pot room: U B B R fire/ice exits room: U U L treasure room: U L L D [D D L] U D R B B L B /~~~~~~~~~~~\ [DLR] Dragon Lore \___________/ Quick Movement Press C + Left, Right, Up, or Down to move Werner in that -------------- direction instantly, instead of first moving the cursor to the edge of the screen. Hint Never talk to anyone while a weapon or book is in your character's hand. ---- Wakthru ------- * Talk to the old man that is whittling. He will tell Werner to get a bowl. Take the war hammer from the back of the farm house and the curved sword from the cart. * Exit through the gate. Turn right. Go straight. Turn right. Go straight until the end is reached, and ignore the creature. * Go to the small hut in the pasture and get the bone. Return to the creature's location and give it the bone. The creature will move out of Werner's way. * Go to the barn-like building and get the bowl. Return to the farm house and give the bowl to the old man. * Enter the farm house. Talk to the old man. He will tell Werner to take Daisy to the pasture. Get the rope from the farm house. * Exit through the gate. Turn left. Go to the broken gate that appears before the location of a second creature. Use the rope on Daisy. Daisy will follow Werner back to the pasture. Use the rope on the tree near Daisy. * Return to the farm house. Talk to the old man. Take the von Wallenrod ring and the whistle. Take the flint, sulfur, quarterstaff, armor, and shield. Wear the armor by placing it on Werner's chest. Use the shield by placing it on Werner's right hand. Use the war hammer or the sword in Werner's left hand. * Return to the second creature, who is blocking Werner's path. Use the whistle and the creature will let Werner pass. * Go straight to the stone monolith. Turn right. Enter the large skull to the left. Go to end of the corridor and get the key. Exit the skull and enter the skull to the right. Open the gate with the key. + To kill the skeleton here, turn around and quickly exit out of gate. Turn around again and wait for skeleton to approach the gate. Enter the gate and to trap the skeleton next to the gate. Kill the skeleton and take its halberd. + To kill the skeleton later, move past it. * Look to the right half way down the hallway wall after entering the gate. Find and push the off-color brick, and avoid the rolling boulder. The boulder will kill the skeleton, if it was not killed earlier (take its halberd). Look closely at the smashed boulder and take the key. Use the key on the iron gate at the other end of the hallway. Go down the trap door. * Use the von Wallenrod ring on the door. Touch the casket with the von Wallenrod ring on the side that is missing the ruby. The dragon will talk to Werner. Keep talking until he gives Werner an Open Door spell. * Go back outside to the stone monolith. Turn right. Talk to Chen Lai. Walk past Chen Lai through the archway. * Go through the wooden doors. Look on the left wall for a dome-shaped outline. Use the war hammer to smash the wall on the left to reveal a spell book. Take the spell book. Place the Open Door spell in the spellbook. Put the book on Werner's eyes to see the spell runes. Use book in Werner's left hand. Cast the open door spell on the second set of wooden doors. * Go straight until Werner reaches a crossroad. Turn left and enter the inn. Talk to Albert and George until they give Werner a ladle. Leave the inn, cross the crossroad and enter the cave. * Kill the dragonfly. Take some resin from the back of the cave with the ladle. Give the ladle with resin to Albert and George. Take the rope, the morning star, and the Fireball spell. Add the Fireball spell to the spellbook. * Go back to the crossroads and turn left towards the web. Cast the Fireball spell at the web. * Continue down the road to the building containing four trees. Talk to Diakonov. Kill the demon he leaves behind. Take the axe and oar from the demon corpse's inventory. Use the oar on the ferry and cross the river. * Talk to Formar Thain of Hav'shal. * Continue moving ahead until some columns and a man-eating plant appear. Take the strange skull that is on the right side of the plant. Attach the skull to the rope to make a grappling hook. Use the grappling hook on the tree branch over the plant and swing over it. * Talk to Tanathya Hyrenapth. * Continue moving ahead to the Toadstool village. Talk to Cheldrya Serpentina. Follow the path that is towards the left and away from the Toadstool village. * Go towards the fountain. Take the first path to the left. Enter the tree house. Talk to the fairy woman in the tree. Listen to her advice regarding not trusting her sister. Take the cog. Climb the stairs to the upper level of tree house. Take the piece of cloth from the dresser drawer. Return to the fountain. * Follow the path to the left. Take an apple and give it to the dog. Use the lever to take Werner up to the tree house. Talk to the fairy woman and take the key. Use the lever in the tree house to get back on the ground. Return to the fountain. Soak the cloth in the fountain. * Turn left. Take first path on left. Go to the garden. Pick one of each flower, and two yellow flowers and ride the dragon. Talk to Arthus of Erwyndyll. * Return to the garden. Use the wet cloth over Werner's mouth and nose. Pick a blue flower. Return to the Toadstool village. Smell the flower and Werner will shrink. Kill the scorpion. Take the blue vial. The blue vial will heal Werner. Enter the toadstool near the dead scorpion. * Talk to the sprite until he gives Werner a Dispel Illusion spell. Place the spell in the spellbook. Leave the toadstool. * Look for another toadstool that Werner can enter. Enter the toadstool and go upstairs. Look for a green vial in the cupboard by the bed. Take the green vial. Leave the toadstool. Use the green vial and Werner will grow back to normal. * Return to the garden and follow the path on the far left it until Kuru the Seneschal appears. Talk to Kuru. * Replace the missing cog on the wall. Look for an outline on the wall to the right of the cogs. Cast the Dispel Illusion spell on the wall, and a doorway will appear. * Enter the doorway. Turn left at the first fork. Turn right at the second fork. Turn right at the third fork. Talk to Klaus von Straupzig. * Take the torch from the floor and return to the third fork. Follow the path on the left to a red room. The center lamp is an upside down bucket. Take the bucket. * Return to the first fork and take the path on the right. Fill the bucket in the well. Take it outside to the cogs. Place the bucket full of water on the lever next to the cogs. Enter the grate, go to the see-saw and take the silver chest. Return to the red room. Go through the doorway and enter the green crypt room. * Give the chest to Fujitomo No Samatori's skeleton. Take his ring. Use the torch in the dark doorway on the other side of the green room. Return to the outside. * Talk to Herg Nach Drakhonen, who will ask Werner to look for a diamond. Continue moving ahead to the river. Jump in the river. Werner may be swallowed by the pike or choose to kill it. + If the pike is killed, take the diamond from its inventory. + If swallowed by the pike, pick up the diamond. Then use a weapon or the yellow flower on the inside of the fish. Werner will be thrown clear onto the other bank of the river. * Head towards the mountains. Jump past the tree toward the lake. Walk into the waterfall and give the diamond to the turtle dragon. The turtle dragon will allow Werner to get a large jewel. Jump in the river to return to the opposite side. Take the jewel to Herg Nach Drakhonen to get his vote. * Return to the waterfall and cross the lake using the stepping stones. Walk up the spiral path to the structure made of standing stones. Talk to Hellaynea D'Artica. Use the ring to prove Werner's identity. Accept her challenge and spar with her. Take the pick axe. Go back down to the path. Go to the right until Werner is on a path. Turn around to face the end of the path. Use the pick axe on the blocked pathway and enter. * Talk to Diakonov. Take his axe. Chop down the dead tree to create a bridge. * Walk across the tree bridge. Talk to the two thieves, then kill them. Take the bag and Kuru's sword. Go between the mountains. * Talk to Alexandre of Egregalionne & Sylvan of Sygill. Give them the vase in the bag. Use the bag to hold Werner's items. * Continue moving ahead to the castle. Enter the gates. Pass the Guardian dragon. Show the ring to the dragon on the drawbridge. Enter the castle. * Kill the undead man. Go to the throne and touch the brass serpent. Refer to the doors in the main hall as zero to six, moving clockwise with zero being the castle entrance. * Enter doorway one. Get the holy water sprinkler from the altar. Go to the back of the chapel and enter the rear doorway on the right. Get the candles from the shelf and the bible from the book stand. Return to the altar and place the candles in the candlestick holder. Take the piece of the von Wallenrod Seal. * Enter doorway two. Turn right and go to the back wall. Smash the bottle on the shelf with any weapon. Take the first stone eye. There is an effigy of a dragon god above the bed in the other room, which may not be needed in the game. * Enter doorway four. Retrieve the orna (sword) at the right side of the bottom of the spiral staircase. Enter doorway three. Replace the orna next to the matching orna on the display to reveal a secret compartment. Take the piece of the von Wallenrod Seal. * Enter doorway five. Push the metal bracket on the fireplace to lower the lamp in the next room. Enter the pink closet to get to next the room. Get the key from the lamp above the chess board. Use the key on the chest. Add the final piece to the rest of the von Wallenrod Seal. * Enter doorway six. Enter the library. Touch the dragon bookstand for information on releasing the spirit that is trapped in the castle. * Return to doorway four and climb down the spiral staircase. Touch the von Wallenrod Seal to the door with the markings. * Go through the door. This room has debris on the floor. Enter the door to the left. Climb up the ladder and take the broken key. * Return to the room with the debris. Enter the door straight across from Werner. Werner will enter a room with doorways. Refer to them as zero to seven moving clockwise with door zero being the one just used to enter the room. * Enter doorway one. Turn right. Continue forward. Touch the skeleton lying down on the bench. Take the second stone eye. This area exits near doorway two. * Enter doorway three to go to the banquet hall. Take the crowbar from the rear right corner of the room. Return to the room with the doorways. * Enter doorway three. Go through the door on the right to enter the kitchen. Take the ladle from the shelf. Return to the room with the doorways. * Enter doorway four. Turn right. Go forward through the door. Look under the sheet. Take the third stone eye. This area exits near doorway five. * Enter doorway six to find the blacksmith's work area. Go through the door in the back and look for a sack of coal. Take the sack of coal and put it in the fire pit. Light the coal buy using the flint on the sulfur. Use the bellows to stoke the fire. Take the hammer from the table with the three swords on it. Put the broken key in the coal to heat it. Put the heated key on the anvil. Use the hammer to reforge the key. Use the ladle to get some water from the trough. Quench the key with the ladle of water. Take the hacksaw that is near the black kettle on the floor. Return to the room with the doorways. * Use the key on doorway seven. Go downstairs. A dragon fountain will be in front of Werner. There are three cells on the right. Refer to them as zero through two, starting on the left. * Enter cell one. Take receptacle containing the small skeleton. The sword is a trap. Enter cell two. Use the receptacle on the skeleton in this cell. Put the bible on the skeleton. Put the holy water sprinkler on the skeleton. Select the skeleton to free him. Take the mage's key. * Enter the doorway to right of cell two. Enter the door within and take the map from the treasure room. Return to the room with the dragon fountain. * Enter the door to the left of cell zero. Kill the orc. Take the pliers. Exit the room. * Enter the door across from Werner's current location. Climb up the stairs and jump in the pool of water. Take the crank. Climb out of the pool. Return to the room with the dragon fountain. * Use the crank on the dragon head that is sticking out the wall. Return to the room with the pool of water. The water will be gone. Enter the pool and go through the door. Walk on the catwalk follow the path. * Talk to Phlogiston, Dragon of Fire. Take the magic powder and the sleep potion. Return to the castle entrance. * Use the sleep potion on Guardian dragon. Take the molten sphere. Return to the interior of the castle. * Go to spiral stair case. Use the magic powder on the invisible barrier. Go upstairs and through the door. Enter the door on the left. Kill the undead skeleton. Enter the door on the left side of the room. Look in the low drawer of the table next to the bed and take the first metal ball. Return to the top of spiral staircase. * Enter the door that is straight ahead. Take the second metal ball from the planter on the left side of the room. * Enter the nursery through the door on the left side under the ramp. Take the third metal ball from the floor. Enter the door to the right side. * Turn left in the hallway. Use the hacksaw on the bars of the window that overlooks the egg. Enter the nest. Go to the perch outside the nest and turn around. Place the molten sphere next to the egg. Use the pliers on the sphere. Select the egg. * The dragon's son will follow Werner, although he can not be seen. Return to the hallway. Open the far door. Take the fourth metal ball from the bookshelf. Return to the hallway. * Enter the middle door. Get the twig from the fireplace. Use the flint on the sulfur. Use the fire on the twig. Use the lit twig on the falcon. Four holes will appear on floor in front of falcon. Put the metal balls in the holes. Take the talon with the attached string. Return to the room with the dragon fountain. * Enter the room immediately to the left. This is the armory. Search the second rack on the left side of the room for the fourth stone eye. Use the four stone eyes on the two skulls in this room. The crystal containers will disappear. Take the sword, shield, crossbow, and key. Return to the room with the dragon fountain. * Go down the stairs. Open the door with the mage's key. Enter the room and take the dragon saddle. Enter the far door. The dragon will thank Werner for bringing his son. Give the dragon the saddle. Talk to the dragon. The dragon will take Werner to a secret location at the top of the castle if he is given an item. Give the dragon any item except the ring (the item will be returned later). * In the secret location, take the Transport spell from the wall. Place the Teleport spell in the spell book. Take the vial of Diakonov's blood from the chest. Cast the Transport spell and go to the dragon's lair. * Take back the item that was given to the dragon. Return to the interior of the castle. * Go to the top of the ramp. Use the key from the armory to open the door. Enter the next door and turn left. Look in the kettle with the hole in the bottom. Use the string with the attached talon in this kettle. Take the dragon key that was hanging over the falcon. Exit the room. * Go up the stairs. Use the dragon key and enter the door. * Talk to Addlepate, the mage. Put the sword, shield and crossbow in the pentacle. Werner will not be able to pick up the weapons after Addlepate asks him to do so. Leave them and go to the upper chamber * Climb up the ladder and retrieve the ruby from the railing. Return to Addlepate * Addlepate will give Werner a magic map of the land, which can be used with the Transport spell. Return to von Wallenrod's tomb. * Put the ruby in the slot on the casket next to the matching gem. Touch the original ruby on the other side of the casket. Take the von Wallenrod armor and shield. Return to the top of the castle. * Talk to Addlepate. Show him Diakonov's blood. Follow his instructions. Throw the blood in the pentacle. Take the chalice. Take the power stone (amulet) out of the chalice. Throw it at Diakonov. Take the dragon effigy and the crystal ball. Break the dragon effigy by selecting a weapon on it from the inventory. Take the weapons from the pentacle. Teleport back to the dragon. * Enter the back room and take the dragon saddle and lance. Return to the dragon. Wear the dragon armor. Use the dragon saddle on the dragon. Ride the dragon to the Dolmens. * Voting will begin. After Werner receives the majority of the votes, Hellaynea denounces Diakonov. Werner will become a Dragon Lord. /~~~~~~~~~~~\ [FIF] FIFA Soccer \___________/ Simply pause the game and enter these codes. If done right, there will be a tone and confirmation message at the top of the screen. Enter the code again to turn it off. Hot Potato: C R A B B R L A B A B B R Invisible Walls: A B B A C A B A B B A Laser Ball: L A C R B A L L Giant Player: B A B A R B A B B A R Big Ball: B C B A L L A B A L L Metallic Men: B A R C L B A B B A Beefcake: R A L B A C L A B A Radical curve: C A R C A B R A B B L Brute mode: R A B B A C L L B A C L Crazy bounce: L A B A R R A C C A /~~~~~~~~~\ [FBK] Flashback \_________/ Level Codes EASY: GATORS NORMAL: LEAGUE HARD: LASSO ----------- DIABLO ANIMAL STRIKE PMBRTN QUASI KNOCK EXPO BANG POKER PATROL TIMERS KNUCKL BOOGIE STALIO SHKSPR LEVEL 1 >From Start, Pick Up The HOLOCUBE Located 1 Screen Below Move To Right And Dispose Of The First OGRE Go Left And Pick Up The Rock And The 10 CREDITS Move Right, Let The Door Slide Open And Incinerate The Second Ogre Pick Up PILE Go Down ( Making Sure You Don't Plunge And Die ) Then Move Right Avoiding The Force Field And Curent Running Through Ground Recharge Shield And PILE Move All The Way Left And Place PILE Into Console ( This Opens The Bridge ) Once You Cross, Take The LIFT Up And Go Left Throw Rock At Sensor So That The LIFT Stays Down Pick Up TELEPORTER And The 2 Rocks Take The Bottom LIFT Down You Must Now Go Back Right ( CAUTION: There Is A Deep Drop Down, Avoid It ) CLIMB Down, Then Again CLIMB Down, Jump Down To The 2 Ogres And Hopefully They Will Kill Each Other, If Not Dispose Of The Remaining One Go Right And Disable The Force Field Pick Up Rock Kill Another Ogre Pick Up 100 CREDITS Pick Up KEY Pick Up 100 CREDITS To The Right You'll Face Another Ogre ( Make Sure To Have Your GUN Ready ) Pick Up 500 CREDITS Go All The Way Left ( CAUTION ) Insert KEY Into Console ( This Opens A Door ) Now You Must Go Back Over The Bridge Again All The Way To The Right Where You Recharged All Those Items On Top Go Left, Kill Ogre, Go Up And Play With The Sensors Until You Get To The Top Go Right And Talk To The Injured Traveler Give Him The Teleporter And Pick Up I.D. Card Now Go Back All The Way Left Over The Bridge ( CAUTION ) Go All The Way Left, Down And And Pass The I.D. Card Through The Console CLIMB Down ( CAUTION, LOOOOOONG Drop ) There's 2 More Ogres Here CLIMB Down And See If They Obliterate Each Other, If Not Dispose Of The Remaining One There Is A Sensor On The Right And If You Try To Walk It Sets Of A Laser Beam... Duck Down And ROLL Into The Next Screen There Is An Old Hermit On The Right Who Will Sell You The Anti-G Belt For Your CREDITS Then J U M P Down To The Next LEVEL... **** LEVEL 2 Go All The Way Right And Climb Down To Bring Up The LIFT >From Middle Platform, Run And Jump To Get On Top There You'll Find 2 COPS, Which Will Shoot You So You Must Dispose Of Them After That, Talk To IAN And Activate The Chair You'll See A Long Animation After Which You Must Talk To Ian Again He'll Open The Door Go Through And CLIMB Down To Kill The Ogre On The Bottom Pick Up FUSIBLE And Return Up To Insert It Into The Console Again Activate The Console To Bring Down The Lift Take The Lift Up Snd Go Left You Must Talk To MAN, After Which You Must Open The Door, Bring Up The Lift And Go Down To The Train Activate Map To Get Familiar With The Subway System Take The Train To The BAR ( AMERICA ) Talk To The BARMAN, Go All The Way Right And Talk To FAUSSAIRE Go Back To The Train And Take It To The COUNCIL ( AFRICA ) Talk To Each Moron And Give Your I.D. Card To The GOUVERNEUR He'll Give You Working Papers Take The Train To The JOB CENTER ( EUROPA ) Talk To MAN And Insert The WORKING PAPERS To Acccept Misison 1 You May Also Review What The Mission Is About Take The Ttrain Tto ASIA And Collect A PACKET From WOMAN Take This PACKET To AFRICA And Give It To MAN Here He Will Pay You Take Train To JOB CENTER And Accept Mission 2 SAVE Here You May Also Recharge Your Shield Take Train To RESTRICTED AREA 2 ( AFRICA ) Pick Up V.I.P Go All The Way Right Shoot OGRE Pick Up And Insert KEY Into Console Go Left And Kill OGRE Go Left Again And Dispose Of The 2 Floating Balls On The Top Platform Collect KEY Go Right And Insert KEY To Open Door Get V.I.P. And Proceed Down Here He Will Pay You And Teleport You To The Mission Room Recharge SAVE Here Insert Working Papers To Accept Mission 3 Take Train To The BAR ( AMERICA ) Talk To Customer Go Down To Talk To COP Go Back Behind Bar And Shoot OGRE Then Talk To MAN And Go Back Down To Shoot The COP He'll Leave A KEY Pick It Up And Go Back Behind BAR To Open Floor Trap Jump In SAVE Here Go Right And Shoot The 2 TERMINATORS You'll Get Paid And Teleported Back To Mission Room Recharge SAVE Here Insert WORKING PAPERS To Accept Mission 4 Now This Level Is Not Tough But It's FAST Step Into Teleporter RUN To The Right, Open Floor Trap And RUN All The Way Left Take LIFT Down, Run Right, And Jump On Tp Platform To Activate LIFT Take LIFT Down And Go Right In The Right Place, Insert The Correct Card You'll Get Paid And Teleported To Mission Room Recharge SAVE Here Insert WORKING PAPERS To Accept Mission 5 This Level Is Not That Easy, Make Sure You Take Your Time And Be Patient Proceed To RESTRICTED AREA 3 ( EUROPA, Same Station ) SAVE Here Shoot OGRE And Go Down Shoot Second OGRE And Get KEY Go Down And Shoot Third OGRE Go Left And Insert KEY Go Left, Pick Up The ROCK And Throw It Shoot OGRE RUN Left And Jump Down To Shoot Another OGRE Go To Top Platform And Activate Sensor To Open Door CLIMB Down And ROLL Right Pick Up KEY And The CREDITS Go Back Left, Down, Right, And Down Dispose Of The COP, Open The Door And Incinerate The Flying Ball Here You'll Get Paid And Teleported Back To Mission Room Recharge SAVE Here Go To The BAR ( AMERICA ) And Talk To FAUSSAIRE Give Him CREDITS And Collect I.D. Proceed To The DEATH TOWER And Give I.D. To MAN Go In And Fond Yourself In The NEXT LEVEL... *** LEVEL 3 8: Go Right And Kill TERMINATOR Open Door, Go Back Right, And Recharge Go Left, Kill TERMINATOR, And Proceed Left open door and lift UP 7: Jump Up And Proceed Left Open Floor Trap, Go Left, And Kill TERMINATOR Activate Doors And Kill TERMINATOR Go Left And Kill TERMINATOR Go Left, CLIMB Up, Go Left And Kill TERMINATOR And The 2 Floating Balls Proceed Left And SAVE Here Go Left And Take LIFT Up 6: Go Right And Open Door ROLL Left, CLIMB Up And Go Left Watch Out For Trap Door And Recharge Go Left And Kill TERMINATORS Proceed Left And Watch Out For Floor Mines Take LIFT Up 5: ROLL Left And Kill TERMINATOR CLIMB Up, ROLL Right And SAVE Here Go Left, CLIMB Down >From Center Platform Run Left And Jump Up To Proceed Left Jump Over Pits And Continue Left Take LIFT Up 4: Go Right, Release TERMINATOR, And Kill Him Open Door And Go Right Recharge And Kill TERMINATOR On Bottom Platform Go Right And Open Door On Middle Platform Go Right And Open Floor Trap On Bottom Platform Go Right And Take LIFT Up 3: Kill TERMINATOR And Go Right Kill Middle Floating Ball, Kill TERMINATOR, And SAVE Here Kill Remaining 3 Balls And Take LIFT Up 2: Kill TERMINATOR, Open Door, And Kill The Other TERMINATOR Take LIFT Up 1: Kill TERMINATOR You'll See And Animation Of A TV Studio You'll Receive Money And Launch On A Space Crusade To The Next LEVEL... **** LEVEL 4 Talk To HOMME And Give Him I.D. Card Go Left, Kill Cop, And Go Left Here Kill Socond Cop ( Use The FORCE FIELD, It Really Works ) Go Down, Kill Cop And Floating Ball >From Middle Platform Go Right And Recharge Go Right And Kill Cop Proceed Right And Dispose Of All The Cops That Show Their Face Go Back Left And Recharge If Necessary Go Right And Inside Kill 2 Cops And Floating Ball Move Right And Call Taxi SAVE Here Climb To Top Platform Run And Jump All The Way Right And Crack The Crystal Proceed Inside And Right Here Dispose Of The TERMINATOR, Take LIFT Up, Crack Crystal, And Get Key Go All The Way Right, Jump To Middle Platform, Right Again And Recharge Step Left And Incinerate The Robot ( CAUTION: He Explodes ) Activate Console, Go Right, Oped Door With Key, And LIFT Down SAVE Here Climb Up And The Wall Will Slide Away Take LIFT Down And Go Up On The Right Kill TERMINATOR, Pick Up Key, And Proceed Left Get Rid Of The 2 Floating Balls And Climb Up Move Right And Activate Console So That The Wall Slides Out Of The Way Then Left And Climb Down Go Right And Deactivate The Force Field Proceed Down, Open Door, And Recharge Take The LIFT Up And Go Right There Are 2 Floor Traps That I Couldn't Figure Out They Might Be Useful To Recharge And To SAVE, But I Didn't Bother Go Right And LIFT Down On Left Run And Jump To Top Platform So You Can Open Door Go Right, Pick Up Key, LIFT Up, Open Door And Step Inside Kill Floating Ball, Jump Mine, And Run Like HELL - A Force Field Will Follow You Dispose Of The Floating Ball And Proceed Right To The Next LEVEL... **** Level 5 TERMINATOR Will Open The Door, However You Can't Kill Him Since You Don't Have The GUN Run Right And Pick Up The Gun Kill TERMINATOR And Pick Up Key SAVE Here, Go Right, And Open Both Doors Proceed Up ( CAUTION: Force Fields All Over ) And Left Go Down To Recharge Dispose Of The Bottom TERMINATOR And Pick Up Both TELEPORT Parts Kill Upper TERMINATOR, RUN And JUMP To Right Screen Avoiding Force Fields Open Door And Throw Teleport Receiver Teleport Here Kill Floating Ball And Pick Up Teleport Receiver Jump Down And Dispose Of SLIME CREATURE Go Right And Kill Second SLIME Proceed Left SAVE Here Go Left And Fall Into Pit Kill The Floating Ball In The Next Pit And Proceed Left CLIMB Down And Enter The Teleport Beam For The Next LEVEL... **** LEVEL 6 Go Right And Kill The Slime Open Door, Recharge, Go Back Left And Take The LIFT Down Go Down, Kill Slime, Pick Up Rock, And Go Left Throw Rock At The Sensor To Open Door And Go Left Activate Switchg To Open Floor On Bottom Platform Shoot The Door, Operate Switch And Dispose Of The Slime Collect Atomic Charge And Proceed Left Check Out The Journal Go Down, Open Floor, And Proceed Down Recharge And Kill Slime Throw Teleport Receiver Into The Pit And Teleport Down Kill Slime And Go Down SAVE here Kill Mutant Dog And Proceed Left Open Door And Kill Slime Go Right, Pick Up KEY, And Step Right Into The Teleporter Go Right And Up Take The LIFT Up, Go Right, And Place The KEY... Next LEVEL... **** LEVEL 7 Jump Up And Take LIFT Up Be Ready To Kill The Slime And Then Collect The 2 Exposive Mice Proceed Up Run And Jump To Avoid The Falling Bombs Throw The Teleport Receiver To The Left And Take The LIFT Up Activate Switch So That The LIFT Goes Back Down Move All The Way Left And Recharge Go Right And Get The Teleporter Ready Jump Into The Pit With The Slime And Activate Switch Then Immediately Teleport Be Ready To Kill The Slime At The Bottom Pick Up The Teleport Receiver Move Right, Pick Up KEY, And Open Door Take LIFT Up SAVE Here ROLL Right Avoiding The Force Fields LIFT Down And Insert KEY Using LIFT, Blow Up The Floor Mines Throw Teleport Receiver Into The Pit And Teleport Down At The Bottom Kill Slime Then Carefully Timing Dispose Of The Organic GUTS Inside The Half-Sphere Pick Up Teleport Receiver Follow These Instructions Carefully: STEP TO THE RIGHT OF THE FLOOR PIT JUMP LEFT ( KEEP THE BUTTON DEPRESSED ) TO HANG FROM THE FLOOR MOVE JOYSTIC DOWN AND YOU SHOULD FALL DOWN AND HANG FROM THE BOTTOM ONCE YOU JUMP ALL THE WAY DOWN PROCEED... Move all the way Right And Leave The Teleport Receiver (In front of the door) Go All The Way Left And Recharge Take LIFT Down SAVE Here Move Right And Shoot 2 Slimes you Must Dispose Of The GUTS Hanging Down From The Ceiling To Do That, Shoot Them From The Left Side, Then From The Right Repeat Until No More Slime-BAGS Come Out Go Left Take LIFT Up And Recharge Take LIFT Back Down SAVE Here Go Back Right Take LIFT Up And Go Right Pick Up Mouse And Kill Slime Pick Up KEY, Open Door, And Go Back To Recharge Also SAVE If Necessary ( RECOMMENDED! ) Return To The Door And Take LIFT Down Go Right And Dispose Of The 2 Slimes ( You Might Want To Use The Exploding Mice Here) (To use exploding mice, hit down arrow to kneel, and then hit the use item key) Go Right And ROLL Through The Force Field Leave Atomic Charge (as far right as you can go) And Hit The Switch Teleport Back Go Right And Take Lift Up (It's not obvious there is an elevator here; you need to hit shift and the up arrow to reach the ship). Here You Will See The Final Animation... /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\ [FNM] Flying Nightmares \_________________/ Invincibility Save a game under the name "BRICK#MODE". Load this game, fly ------------- a mission, and press LS + RS. The Harrier will be invincible in this mode, and can be flown anywhere. The only item on the aircraft that can be damaged is the HUD, which may be lost. /~~~~~~~~~~~\ [FOE] Foes of Ali \___________/ Codes During the fight, pause and press Ls + Rs + C to bring up the code ----- menu. AIAT or AIBT Toggle on or off the AI for either boxer. CROWD Remove the crowd for a slight frame rate improvement. ZIPPY Speed things up. [Note: I have heard this code is SPEED not ZIPPY. - Ed.] PREBEG Show picture of Ivan Prebeg, European Middle-Heavyweight Champ June 29, 1969 and uncle of the programmer Misho Katulic. TEAM Show picture of the programming team. PADC Activate the buttons on controller three for special cheat functions: A to knock down Boxer B for six seconds. B to cut the right eye of Boxer A. C to end the current round and immediately advance to round 10. Low blows Diagonally down and right/left with A or B throws a nut shot. The --------- ref and/or crowd may yell at you. /~~~\ [GEX] Gex \___/ Codes All the codes spell something using the following key. Pause and enter ----- the code while holding right shift. See below U - Up N - Up (North) A - A button D - Down S - Down (South) B - B button L - Left E - Right (East) C - C button R - Right W - Left (West) P - Pause button (i.e. For LCD RUNNER hold Right Shift, and press Left, C, Down, Right, Up, Up, Up, Right, Right) Left shift is never used. Hold right shift while entering the code. The game will unpause itself after you enter the last letter if you entered it correctly and give you the power-up or activate the code. Note: Codes marked with an asterisk '*' are not done while the game is pause, but elsewhere. Please see the individual code explination for details. LCD RUNNER Speed Up LCD EEL Electricity LCD REDBALLS Fireballs LCD BLUEBALLS Ice LCD RUBBER Super Jump LCD DRACULA 99 lives LCD NUCLEAR Invincibility (not whirlwind -- removes sprite collision) LCD WEASEL Debug Mode (See 'Debug Mode') LCD CDSCALE Play as scaled Gex (See 'Scaling Gex') LCD SPREAD * Turn on all TVs in the map (See 'Level select') LCD WEENEE * Extra unfinished levels (See 'Extra levels') LCD ABCABCABCCBA * Planet X level select (See 'Planet X Level Select') LCD BADNEWSBEARS * See Planet X ending (See 'Planet X Ending') Debug mode Pause the game and enter the LCD WEASEL code. Now you can use the ---------- X button to freeze Gex and move him anywhere. Note: This might cause the game to crash if you take Gex too far or place him in a bad spot. You can kill yourself at any time with X + P The second controller also has a few functions: C Cycles through power-ups Rs Cycles through different debug information. When you have contours displayed, Ls will cycle through different sizes of the contours. B Scale the screen. While holding B press the direction pad. B + C Rotate the screen. While holding B and C press the guru:direction pad. Ls Scale Gex. (See below) Hold Ls and move the direction pad. Scaling Gex Enter the debug code LCD WEASEL and on the second controller, ----------- hold Ls and move the direction pad to scale Gex in any of the four directions. When you try to move Gex with controller one he will return to normal. To play as the scaled Gex, pause the game before moving and enter LCD CDSCALE. Gex will remain scaled until you enter awarp. Level select From a map screen, pause to bring up the remote controls and ------------ while holding Rs enter the code LCD SPREAD All TVs on that map will become active. Extra levels From the World or Level Map, press P to display remote controls. ------------ Hold RS and enter LCD WEENEE The level select screen will appear. 5:GRAVE6 (Alternate version of Disco Inferno) A level with a long river of slime that Gex must follow. 14:JUNGLE1 (Whip It) The interior of a jungle temple, complete with arrow shooting idols. 17:JUNGLE4 (Also named Whip It) A somewhat complete level (has music, but no sound effects) of an underground village with a lot of platforms & blowdart shooting opponents. 18:JUNGLE5 (Also named Whip It) A short incomplete level composed entirely of flying platforms. 38:KUNGFU4 (Alternate version of Sumo City) A level with many sloping walls and ninjas with throwing stars. 39:KUNGFU5 (Another alternate Sumo City) A level filled with poisonous water, sinking columns and rocket-powered TVs. 23:REZ3 (Untitled - Rezing Walls) A screen displaying static will appear. Press A to continue. Walls and objects in this level materialize and de-materialize. Metallic shape-shifting blobs and Rez Knights are also present. 25:REZ5 (Untitled - Climb It) A screen displaying static will appear. Press A to continue. A level with many moving platforms. 41:SECRET1 (Couch area in New Toonland) An incomplete game section with giant couches, and an area that rains anvils and safes. 46:SECRET5 (Introduction to the lost levels) A screen displaying static will appear. Press A to continue. Tail whip the question mark for a list of the lost levels. Kill Gex to return to the map. Planet X level select From the Title Screen hold Rs and enter LCD ABCABCABCCBA --------------------- The Planet X level select screen will be displayed. This allows the Planet X levels, plus the Planet X Boss level, to be played. Translation: 0:SCIFI1 Clothesline 1:SCIFI2 The Web 2:SCIFI3 Free Fall 3:SCIFI4 Bombs Away 4:BONUS7 Saucer Section 5:MAINMAPS (SCIFI) The Planet X world screen. Press X to return. 6:SL67 Newton's 4th Law 7:SL68 The Project 8:SL69 Head To Head 9:SL71 The secret Planet X Boss level. . The Planet X Boss level was never intended to be in the game. One of the programmers was done early and decided to add an extra feature. The Planet X Boss level was the result, but was unfinished and left out of the game. The premise behind this scenario is that the Boss, a robot, tries to shoot Gex with a shrink ray. After a while, a green orb will fall from the ceiling. Gex will grow larger each time he eats the orb. If Gex can eat the orb three times without being shrunk, he will be large enough to defeat the robot. After the Boss is defeated, and the game is allowed to continue without pressing the joypad, Gex will eat various objects that will appear on the screen. Planet X ending To see the ending given when you solve Planet-X (the long --------------- ending with sketches and more) enter LCD BADNEWSBEARS at the title scren while holding Rs Bonus Games On the very first level of Graveyard there is is a secret ----------- area that can lead you to all of the bonus games. Go right a little bit, until you hit something like this.. | (Guillotine) | | ___ _______._____/ \__ / | * _/ | * (Mosquitos) _______| * _______ | ______ | | || E | | || E (Spikes) | _ | || E ______ | < > |_____|| | * *| |__< >_________| |____| (Warp) The warp takes you to a place where you break a series of three stones that reveal some extra mosquitoes. To the right is: | (Extra Life)| ___!_____| | | ___ 3 | 3 (Spikes) | _ 3 | < > | |__________________< >___| (Warp) >From the Extra Life jump up to the left and hold Up on the dir pad. There is a hidden warp above the visible screen. Gex should enter it about as soon as he disappears off the screen. Secret Level To get to Planet X you must get perfects on each of the ------------ bonus games [i.e. the Skull/Frankie game in Graveyard] When you get a perfect a small portion of a remote control will flicker on the screen. You don't have to complete the level -- you can get the portion of the remote and just die. The portions will not save, however, you must get perfects in all the games to get the whole remote in one sitting. Once you get the whole remote and use it at the world select map it will save. Saving The game DOES NOT save after completing a boss character! You can, ------ however, go through a completed level with a VCR under it and save there. A good strategy would be to go through a VCR level (Like the third level in Graveyard) before you are done for the night. /~~~~~~~~\ [GRD] Gridders \________/ Cheat To prevent being sent back, you can cheat by going to the pause menu, do ----- a save and quit, then resume. Only do this if your life is RED and hopeless of course. You will be restarted over with everything reset! Including no loss of lives, like what happens when you 'give-up'. Secret Level Go to the options screen and highlight "Exit". Hold down the ------------ stop button and type "LAX". (Yes you must let go of the stop button once it comes time to type the X). You will hear a bad buddy say "HEY!". In the US version of Gridders, this code will allow you to play secret level 25. In the Japanese version of Gridders, this code will allow you to play 12 secret levels, including the one from the US verison. Level skip code Go to the Options Screen and highlight Exit and hold X. --------------- Press P, A, RS, A, LS, LS, A, Release X, Press X (PARALLAX) Zack will say "digital" Press LS + A to advance one level. Press LS + B to advance five levels. Press LS + C to advance ten levels. Press LS + RS to go back one level. Level skip code Go to the Options Screen, highlight Exit, and hold X. --------------- Press B, A, RS, Release X, Press X (BARX) Fidex will bark. Press LS + A to advance one level. Press LS + B to advance five levels. Press LS + C to advance ten levels. Press LS + RS to go back one level. /~~~~~~~~~~~~\ [GWR] Guardian War \____________/ Debug menu During the Map Mode, press and hold LS, RS, & C. All movement ---------- will pause. While holding them, press U, D, L, R on the D-pad. This menu will appear in Japanese: 1. Data Load: Load a saved game. 2. Install Mode: Equip your characters with new bodies and equipment. 3. Shop Mode: Buy anything in the game. 4. $$$+10,000: Press A button to recieve 10,000 gems. 5. No Battle: Walk through hostile locations unharmed. 6. Show Grid: Shows some Japanese chart during combat. 7. Move Anywhere: Move anywhere on the map during combat. 8. Combat Skill: During combat, select an attack from a menu of all attacks found in the game. 9. HP-MP: Highlight this option and you won't take any damage or lose magic points. 10: Map Parts: A Japanese interpretation of the map during combat mode. 11: Map parts continued. 12: SE: Produces a blipping sound effect. 13: Basic Level +1: Raises Basic level by one. 14: Class Level +1: Raises Class level by one. /~~~~\ [HLL] Hell \____/ Codes Note: Some codes destroy or modify the game data, so it may not be ----- possible to win the game. Some codes store their status in nvRAM. Speed Press C to display the game menu, then press P, U, Ls, Ls, C, Rs, U, D ----- A voice will say "no problem" to confirm correct entry of the code. Rachel and Gideon will move quicker during the interactive portion of the game. Night vision Press C to display the game menu, then press P, U, B, C, U, B ------------ A voice will say "night vision" to confirm correct entry of the code. The game's graphics will be shaded in red and green. Enter the code again to return to normal mode. Silly Start a new game and press D, D, D, U, U, Ls, Ls, Rs, Rs at the ----- character select screen. Then, press A over the character to be played. Gideon will appear as a clown, Rachel will grow a beard, and both characters will make a silly comment before the game starts. The characters will then appear normal after the game begins. Debug Display the game menu, then press P, LS, A, D, C, Rs, A, P, D, U, D ----- A voice will say "I know everything there is to know about Hell" to confirm correct entry of the code. Press C and select the "Game" option. Four new items will appear. "Go To Map" will allow access to any game scene. "Get Object" will allow access to all objects in the game. "Cinematics" will display all the FMV segments of the game. "Advance Time" will add one day to the game time. Quick speech Press C to display the game menu, then press P, U, C, Ls, U, X. ------------ A voice will say "hey, sounds good to me, man" to confirm correct entry of the code. Only the first few words of each speaking segment will be played, speeding up the game. Walkthru Note: This is the solve for the PC -- I assume they are the same. -------- Anyone played this game knows there are more than one ways to arrive at the ending. The one I present here is only one of the many possibilities. Althrough I spent a lot of time to make the story line as linear and logic as possible, readers might still find it rather dis-orienated. Remember, examine each and every item you pick up. At some point, game progress relie on this. As in my previous creations, I had excluded un-necessary informations. So if you come across one during game play, feel free to explore on your own. Also, each character in your party carries his/her own inventory. Make sure you examine them. Be prepare to spend hours if you want to play this one from square one. Union Station :: Dante's Apartment ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Talk to Dante, then take the spare key from the computer table. Georgetown :: Captain Jersey's Kitchen ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Take the Scrub List on the table and talk to Jersey. Go through all the questions and listen to all the informations. Foggy Bottom :: Entrance To Interface ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ talk to Karl (the man behind the door) and note the writtings on the sign. By combining the 1st letter of each word, you'll have to password. When being asked for the password, enter SESAME. Then go through the manhole to enter Interface. Now you are inside Interface, to your far right is the exit and the door to the left lead to Mr. Beautiful's Office. For now, talk to the people here. You can skip the bartender since he got no informations you can use. Talk to Scub Stevens (the one who sits in the bar) and recruit him into your party. Then talk to Mindrunner (the one next to Stevens). After that, talk to Sophia Bene (the girl sitting at the far side) and recruit her. Now, talk to Kween Chaos (the one sitting on the staircase) and note what he said. Enter Mr. Beautiful's Office and talk to Abonides (the little status). When being ask the password, enter CONDEMNATION. At this point, you'll go through a lengthy movie section, feel free to fast forward it. When Mr. Beautiful offers you a job, accept it. When you arrive at Hell, take everything that's in your sight. You can skip talking to the POW for they process no informations. Go to the next room and talk to the demon Sanguinarius. The Mall :: Voice Of God Radio ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Talk to Nick Cannon. He won't tell you much now, but knowing he's an audio expert will help you solve one of the puzzles later. Judiciary Square :: Phreakbeats Hangout ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You'll notice you can take the fire extinguisher but since it serve no purpose in the entire game, I suggest you leave it alone. Talk to the two people there. Union Station :: Oscar Drexler's Apartment ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Talk to Oscar Drexler. McPherson Square :: Gang Alley ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is the Gang Alley. To your left is the Clean Club House and to your right is Deadly 7 Club House. Upon arrival, you'll hold a conversation with Chistopher Modesta automatically. Talk to the other people here and note any information you can find. Go inside Clean Club House and talk to Gracie Lovell. Gallery Place/Chinatown :: Pap Pap John's Comix Shop ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Talk to Anna Mae and learn about her problem, then activate the computer. You'll need a pasword to shut down Locust, pay attention to the 2nd last alphabet of each word. Press enter to clear the screen and enter the password IMPERATOR. Tell Anna you solved her little problem and she'll give you the comic. McPherson Square :: Gang Alley ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go inside the Clean Club House. On the lower right of your screen you will see an exit, go there to enter the Clean Meeting Room. Talk to Temprance Lector (the one on the right) and Phrachie (on the left). When Phrachie ask you whether she should run a RAP or not, answer YES. Go back to the Club House and deliver the news to Gracie. After that, proceed to the Deadly Club House. Talk to Electric Sex -- she who lies on the couch, twice then go into the Deadly Meeting Room. Talk to Barbara Bacchus and Languo. Feel free to go thro the door in front of you, that's Dolph Van Ittey's room ~~ althrough you won't have anything to do here at the moment. McPherson Square :: Cybershop ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pick up the copper tubings on the floor and talk to Dr. Clean. Accept her picklock implant offer. Gallery Place/Chinatown :: Aldous Xenon's Loft ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Talk to Aldous Xenon and get the homing device. The Pentagon :: Pentagon Garage Office ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Have Sophia Bene forge you a level~4 pass (select Forger Skill in Sophia's inventory and right click it on the pass template). Talk to the guard by the door and offer him your security pass. Go inside the garage and take the mechanic's creeper. Examine the lunch box lying next to the car and note the name. Go back into the office and talk to the Dispatcher. During conversation, tell him to page JO BOYLE for you. Now, go back in the garage and plant the homing device in car. Gallery Place/Chinatown :: Aldous Xenon's Loft ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Talk to Aldous Xenon. Dupont Circle :: British Embassy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You'll see two doorways here, to your right is the control center and the left one leads to Senator Burr's Office. Talk to Derek Literati, who is reading a report by the door. Talk to Senator Burr. The Pentagon :: Pentagon Reception Area ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Talk to the receptionist and have she direct you to GEN. MANGINI'S PENTAGON OFFICE. Use the lockpick implant to unlock the large metal door and stand onto the automatic walkway, then enter the entrance -- note that you access different parts of Pentagon in the same manner. Talk to Sanguinarius and accept the trip to Hell. After you arrive in Hell, use the hell blade on Krystal Getty (the hostage). Federal Triangle :: Trangressions Entrance ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Unlock door with lockpick implant and enter Jean Saint Mouchoir's office. Take the pencil next to the computer and use it on the notepad. Activate computer by entering access code GOD'S JUSTICE. Informations inside this computer is locked by password. At this point, you still can't access a few of those areas. At an later stage, you'll come back here and learn about them. For the time being, the areas you can access are: Demons - Unholy Trinity Pazuzu and Asmodeus Mr. Beautiful Dean Sterling Citizens Freedom Front - Senator Erin Burr (code: FOGGY BOTTOM) CFF CFF History Government Operations - Night Of The Titans (code: HELL PIT) - Randal Singh Townson Elders Brett Carew Eddy Commerce Artificial Reality Containment Gideon Eshanti & Rachel Braque Fringe Operations - Gneo-Gnostics (code: DEAN STERLING) Psionic League Eschatology Incorporated Meats Solene Solux Acti-Deck - Acti-Deck Parallex Code Capitol South :: Gnostic's Office ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Talk to Professor Coronary and go to the next room to talk to Wickersham Dodge and Daniel. Georgetown :: Psionic League Headquarters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go inside the door in front of you and talk to Suzy Toast. Watergate :: Eschatology, Inc. Offices ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Talk to Hercule Rue Des Couers and Christy Abraxis. Arlington :: Recurrection Unlimited ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Talk to the technician there and go through the door. Here you'll face a stupid arcade sequence. By use the mechanic's creeper, your objective is to reach the other end of the corridor by avoiding those security beams. It's not a easy job, so make sure you save your game before you try. Also, be prepare to spend a lot of time on this one. If you manage to get through, examine those recurrection untis. You'll find a body with a latin phase on his chest. Federal Center SW :: New Corporeal Biologics ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are lot's of stuffs here, but you'll only need the electro magnet, the large beaker and the small beaker. After you got theses items, use the Rig Skill on the copper tubings and you'll got your own still. Talk to Brewer for informations. Capitol South :: Menial's World Headquarters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Take a bottle of beer from the refrigator and use the dream powder in Stevens' inventory on it. Talk to Mick for information, then return the beer to the refrigator. Wait a few seconds and Mick will fall asleep. Take the collector unit. McPherson Square :: Gang Alley ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go to Deadly 7 Meeting Room and give the still to Languo. Ask him for informations you need. Go back to the Deadly 7 Club House and talk to Electric Sex, then give her the key to Dante's apartment. Note the word she tells you. Go into Dolph Van Ittey's room and activate his computer. The access code is BLOODNET. Read through all his personal files. Go back to the alley and tell Christopher about Dolph's idenity, then talk to Chastity Bene. Georgetown :: Psionic League Headquarter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Deliver the collector unit to Suzy Toast and she'll moderify it for you. Foggy Bottom :: Asylum Waiting Area ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Talk to the two people here and note any informations you can find, then go to the next room. Talk to the two groups if you like, your mission is to use the collector unit to fry them. L'Enfant Plaza :: Fitzgerald's Speakeasy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Take a bottle of beer from the bar, then talk to Milwaukee Jack -- he is sitting by his own in the corner. Then talk to Splits Magnola who is sitting by the bar. When asked to create a diversion, throw the bottle of beer to the TV above the bar. Talk to Splits again to recruit him, dismiss Scub Stevens. Georgetown :: Psionic League Headquarters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Talk to Suzy Toast. Farragut North :: Dean Sterling's Office ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Talk to Dean Sterling. Union Station :: Asmodeus' Porn Studio ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Talk to Grinda Dove (the girl sitting on the desk), Rutterkind (the small demon at Dove's feet) and Asmodeus. After you arrive at the setting, talk to Asmodeus again. After you are back to reality, talk to Dean Sterling and take the Psychopomp unit on the floor. Union Station :: Dante's Apartment ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Talk to Dante. Use psychopomp unit on yourself and enter address: GARAGE. Talk to Deepthroat. L'Enfant Plaza :: The Collector's Room ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Use electro magnet on the parchment located at the corner of the room. Capitol South :: Gnostic's Office ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Talk to Professor Coronary, then go to the next room and talk to Daniel. Take that piece of note on the computer and examine it. The information on that note is critical. Go back and talk to Coronary again, note the word Gesticulate. Dupont Circle :: British Embassy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go to the control room and talk to Senator Burr and her assistance Katerina Goertz. Use the psychopomp on yourself and enter address CHARON. Talk to the ferryman when you arrive. * Beautiful's Hostage Hellpit Take the steel cover and the beer mug on table. Use the mug on the acid pool. * The Hell Zoo Take the staff, jar of food, floating beast, bucket of Styx water and zoo key. Talk to both characters. Use the jar of food on Machalus follow by using the key on the animal cage (NOT the one holding those floating beast). * The Wall Of Flame Hellpit Talk to Prudence Alala, then put the steel cover onto the vent shaft -- the hole with steam blowing up. Stand onto the cover and wait. * The Hell Ice Field Use the floating beast on yourself to go near the ice block. Use the bucket of Styx water on the ice block. * The Hell Music Room Talk to Alice Trenton to learn clue on this one. By right clicking on a white square, you can learn what note will it emit. To free Alice, you'll need to find all silent letters in the verse: Murder the dumb, Torture the meek with the scent of death and the gnashing of teeth The answer is: B E C A G. Left click on the correspond white squares. * The Hell Dentist Office Talk to the demon and note what he's doing. Use nerve gas cartridge on the NO2 tank. Take the NO2 cartridge and dentist drill. * The Ratroom Talk to Dingo Tucker and use the NO2 cartridge on the tubes. Foggy Bottom :: Entrance To Interface ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go to Mr. Beautiful's office and talk to the gangster there. Talk to Mr. Beautiful if you want, but DON'T take his head with you. Take the cue stick instead. Puzzle: First, you need to translate those numbers into letters. Since R=23 ==> A=6, U=26, V=1. Now, look for a song's name or singer's name that correspond to the encrypted word. Then key in the code of that song. Answer: E3 D9 E8 The Mall :: Voice Of God ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Give Mr. Beautiful's DAT to Nick Cannon, he'll play it out for you. Note what it said. Union Station :: Dante's Apartment ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Talk to Dante. Use Psychopomp on yourself and enter address GARAGE. Talk to Deepthroat. Federal Triangle :: Bureau Of Records ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Talk to Mr. Calcutta and Ms. Stinson. Pay attention to what Ms. Stinson said for it is clue to an computer access code. Federal Triangle :: Trangressions Entrance ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Unlock the door with lockpick implant and enter the office. Activate computer. Look up the topic Government Operations / Massimo Eddy. When ask to enter access code, use TRIANGLE. Use Bene's forger Skill on the credentials template. Federal Triangle :: Bureau Of Records ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Talk to Mr. Calcutta. Arlington :: Lee Mansion Guard Room ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Use Splits' psionic skill on the guards, then enter the next room. Use the cue stick onto the lamp beside the phanter. Go through the doorway and talk to Massimo Eddy. Examine the notes he give you. Dupont Circle :: British Embassy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Talk to Katerina Goertz, she should tell you more about the hostages. If she doesn't, just wonder around town for a while and check back to her. Use the psuchopomp on yourself and enter address CHARON. * The Belly Of The Beast Talk to Thelma Bay Chesapeake. Take the stone and femur bone, then apply stone to bone. * The Abyss Talk to Jeremy Verdi and Gack. Then use mug of acid on hell blade. Give mug of acid to Gack and take the backet of tar. Federal Triangle :: Trangressions Entrance ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Unlock door with picklock implant and enter office. Activate computer and look up topic Government Operations / Night Of Re~Entombment. Access code are JEREMY VERDI and GESTICULATE. Don't forget to read the memo. Union Station :: Dante's Apartment ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Talk to Dante and use psychopomp on yourself, enter address GARAGE. Talk to Deepthroat. The Pentagon :: Pentagon Reception Area ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Talk to the receptionist and have her direct you to Thomas Meaculp's Office. Once inside, active the computer. To gain access, answers are: Shudder is to fear as Crying is to Sorrow ~~~~~~ Fan is to air conditioner as Keyboard is to Decking Unit ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Suicide is to death as Embezzlement is to Wealth ~~~~~~ Charon is to perdition as Freeways is to Los Angeles ~~~~~~~~~~~ Once you learn the whereabout of Thomas, go back to the reception area and have her direct you to Pentagon Jail. Once inside, use the EMP grenade on the guard follow by using mini bombs on the cell. Dupont Circle :: British Embassy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Talk to Senator Burr and Jeremy Verdi. Give the note Massimo gave you (the one with mathematical symbols) to Jeremy, then talk to him. Talk to Katerina Goertz, she'll tell you the locations of the remaining hostage. If she doesn't, just wonder around town for a while and check back to her. * The Hell Steel Mill Talk to Brett Carew and use the staff on the gears. * Hell's Desert Talk to Walker Dash and Atroxias, then use the dentist's drill on water jar. * The Hell Schoolroom Talk to Randal Singh and Mr. Maledictum. Puzzle: To solve this, you'll first need to establish a base letter. Any +ve number means counting towards Z, ~ve numbers means counting the other way. For example, in question 1 the codes are: 1 +1 +15 +9 +11 +5 +10 +1 +15 +5 +11 +19 ~3 By choosing "D" as you base which correspond to "1", the codes translate into: Des Moines Iowa The other answers are: Little Rock Arkansas Helena Montana * Mephisto's Throne Room Talk to Mephisto and fight him. Take his hand after you defeated him. * Beelzebub's Throne Room Use the bucket of tar on the floor then fight him. Take his wing after you defeated him. * Belial's Throne Room Use explosive charge on the floor (near the glowing section), fight him and take his medal after you defeated him. * Cerberus's Lair Go through the doorway in front of you. When you arrive, wait for the demon to leave and take the brush on the floor. Use it on Satan's Gate to paint the words GOD IS DEAD. Enter and kill Satan. Go back to reality and talk to Katerina Goertz and Senator Burr to learn about their progress. Use psychopomp on Rachel and enter the address SPAWNER. The Pentagon :: Pentagon Reception Area ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You'll arrive here automatically after you completed the above section. Have the receptionist direct you to The Pneumatic Delivery Room. After you arrive, take one of the pneumation tubes on the floor and put a gas bomb inside. Talk to Jate then give your bomb~tube to her. Enter address MIRACULUM SEPULCRUM. Exit back to reception area and have the receptionist direct you to Pentagon Chapel. When you arrive, take the taper on the floor and light candles #6, 3, 1, 4, 7, 2, 5, 10, 8, 9 (counting from the left). After you defeated Solene Solux, enter the hole where Solux appears. Use the Hell bug disk on Hell computer. *** END *** ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I know I'll receive truck-load of e-mail if I exclude the gambling sequence, so here it is. Find some time to talk to Laura Prophet in Deadly 7 Club House AFTER you got some cash and she'll tell you where the racetrack results room is. Wait until you got the notes from Maissmo Eddy, examine the one painted with colors and note which color is "P", which is "S" and which is "T". Check the betting machine in racetrack results room. If you see the Solux Stake is on, bet all your money. Otherwise, don't bother. To select the horse that will WIN, choose the one with a symbol containing 2 of the 3 "P" colors. To choose the PLACE horse, choose the one with a symbol containing 2 of the 3 "S" colors. To choose the SHOW horse, choose the one with a symbol containing 2 of the 6 "T" colors. /~~~~~~~~~\ [HOR] The Horde \_________/ [Note: There are two versions of this game. The first release had an unfortunate bug that deleted all your saved games to make room for its own saves. This was corrected by Crystal Dynamics and recent packages include the updated game. To tell which version it is -- look for "RCB" above the UPC symbol.. If there is a sticker that says RCB, it is the fixed updated version. Crystal Dynamics will also exchange the bugged version. - Ed.] Cheat and option codes Before entering codes--start the game as normal. ---------------------- Hold Up, A & B, and press Pause. Enter the code and unpause. The word associated with the code substitutes T for B button and O for A button. [i.e. The word TOT would translate to the code BAB - Ed.] View Cinemas: ROLLOUT (Right, A, Left, Left, A, Up, B). All the video cinemas will play--press Stop to skip to the next video clip. Finish Level: DOLLDOOR (Down, A Left, Left, Down, A, A, Right) Get 30,000 crowns: LOOTLORD (Left, A, A, B, Left, A, Right, Down) You can do this whenever you are low on cash, but you'll never get more than 30,000 from it. Show whole map: LOUDTOOT (Left, A, Up, Down, B, A, A, B) Keep playing: ODDROB (A, Down, Down, Right, A, Down) Lets you keep on playing even if the entire village is destroyed by the Horde, Rosco or you with the flame thrower! Make Magic Items Available: TROLLDROOL (B, Right, A, Left, Left, Down, Right, A, A, Left) Makes all magic items available in the purchase item screen. Speed up Chauncy: TROT (B, Right, A, B) Makes Sir Chauncy run 2X as fast. Combined with the Boots of Boogie he moves 4X! Invincible: TURDODOR (B, Up, Right, Down, A, Down, Right) Chauncey is invincible. He'll still say ouch, but it won't hurt a bit when he's hit. Strategy Guide One of the most common mistakes that causes players financial -------------- trouble is NOT selling back items before moving on to the next land. When you dig up a cow, fence, pit, soldier, or whatever, you get back money equal to what it costs to place that object down in the first place. So in the Shimto Plains at the winter of year 3, make sure you sell all your cows and stuff. The Tree Realms goes to year 4, so sell your stuff in the winter of that year. Each "land" lasts one year longer than the previous one. Shimto Plains: No hidden items. Start off by chopping down trees and planting as many saplings as you can. Repeat this for a few seasons until you have enough to buy a cow. Place cows in the south of your town, as hordlings come mostly from the north. Keep making cows and saplings so that you have 10 or more cows by the end of year 3. Don't forget to pick them all back up in the winter before you go to the Tree Realms of Alburga! Tree Realms of Alburga: Plant as many saplings as you possibly can. Keep planting until it says "at max" in your inventory box. After the hordlings come, plant more to replace the ones they destroy. After a few rounds of this, the Dryad will give you the Boots of Boogie. Fetid Swamps of Buuzal: Around the third year or so, your map will become large enough to show two "arrows" made of stones (apparent on the overview map). Dig at the intersection of these two invisible lines to find the magic flute. This is probably the most useful (and annoying sounding) items in the game. Kar-Nyar Desert: Keep making those waterways! A tree will grow when you get water to an odd-looking bush, which grows in a random spot. The tree frog wants the three foods you can find scattered around the desert--the Blue Fruit, Green Meat, and Purple Seeds. Just set them down next to the tree and he'll give you his Trident. Frozen Wastes of Vesh: Use bombs to blow away the snow in the preparation stage (this is the only land where you can use bombs during this stage), or summon Roscoe to melt away huge strips during the battle stages. Be careful with Roscoe, though--he levels houses really quickly. Here are the hordes to expect each season for the first 10 years... <------------> <-----------------> <------------- Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 #1 5678 6864 7345 666x 7x-8 8--- xx-- 78-5 85-- x--- #2 24 12 4 8 --36 3 #3 12 354 x 335 #4 122 3-1 6 --1- --1- #5 ---1 --1- -1-- -1-- #6 --23 -368 -577 'x' means 10, so basically the 2nd land, year 2 is a bitch... #1-6 are the six different hordling types. 1 is the basic type, 2 is the walking mouth, 3 is the plumber, 4 is the lumbering one, 5 is the wizard one, 6 is the crocodile one. [END Part 1]